I'm happy that this have came up - I think Gradle is much more transparent than Maven in 
general; with no "built-in" limitations
My experience with maven is that I'm looking for some plugin which might do something similar what is needed...and depending on "lifecycle/etc" things it might actually work...in gradle as a last resort people could write a new task and hook it into the build graph - which is more straight forward. What I further find very usefull in Gradle; is that the build is actually most of the time quite silent - messages on the screen has more meaning and they don't just eat up space for no good reason...and it's not xml.

As a matter of fact I'm also using Eclipse; and to make calcite-core up and running with it: I've to remove 3 invalid source refernces; add 1 missing and exclude some files from the buildpath....so it doesn't work out of the box :)
I will be happy to help migrating - or at least fix Eclipse support :D


On 3/10/19 11:49 AM, Vladimir Sitnikov wrote:
Muhammad>gradle supports parallel execution

The good thing is Gradle can run tests from "core" in parallel with javadoc
build for "cassandra" and so on.

Muhammad> Will this ease the project importing process to Eclipse ? This is
usually a
Muhammad> problem to me. I have to close projects to avoid displaying their
Muhammad> errors, define source folders, run mvn eclipse:eclipse (and some
say I
Muhammad> don't have to) and still have a couple of projects showing build
errors in
Muhammad> Eclipse.

I don't use Eclipse, however:
1) They say Gradle projects could be imported to Eclipse just fine.
I'm updating Apache JMeter's build system to Gradle at the moment (see
https://github.com/apache/jmeter/pull/448 ),
and you can try importing the project to see how it feels like (see gradle
branch https://github.com/vlsi/jmeter/tree/gradle ).

You can try importing https://github.com/ben-manes/caffeine/ , or
https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-framework/ or whatever you like.
However I'm inclined to Kotlin-based DSL, as it has way less magic than in
Groovy-based scripts.

2) Gradle is very easy to customize. That is if default import somehow
fails, the build script can contain customizations to make import better.
For instance, you can check


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