Thx Ruben, the issue really answer my questions, I encounter this when dong 
CALCITE-2969, when I refactor SemiJoinRule, I think not only RexFieldAccess, 
any RexCall should fit into this case, only if the RexCall function is 
deterministic, what do you think ?

Danny Chan
在 2019年4月15日 +0800 PM7:48,Ruben Q L <>,写道:
> Danny,
> In the context of, a
> discussion about this topic was started. In that ticket I pointed out that
> Calcite does not recognize "RexFieldAccess = RexInputRef" as an EquiJoin
> condition (even though the RexFieldAccess itself is referencing a
> RexInputRef); which is somewhat similar to the situation that you propose
> "RexCall = RexInputRef". According to Julian Hyde's comment on that
> ticket: *'For
> our purposes, an equi-join is "field = field", not "expression = field".
> Even if that expression is a reference to sub-field'. *However, I agree
> with you and maybe this definition should be reviewed (I believe your
> example and my example should be valid cases of EquiJoin), but possibly
> this will break some pieces of the current code, so the modification might
> not be straightforward.
> Best,
> Ruben
> Le lun. 15 avr. 2019 à 13:25, Xiening Dai <> a écrit :
> > I think Calcite always pushes down equal join conditions. In
> > SqlToRelConverter.createJoin(), before ruction returns, it calls
> > RelOptUtil.pushDownJoinConditions(). So in your example, the cast
> > expression will be pushed down and it will still be an equal join.
> >
> > > On Apr 15, 2019, at 5:40 PM, Yuzhao Chen <> wrote:
> > >
> > > If we checkout the java doc for Calcite EuqiJoin, there is definition
> > for it:
> > > > for any join whose condition is based on column equality
> > >
> > > But what about if there are function calls in the equi condition
> > operands ? For example:
> > > Should we consider
> > >
> > > Select A.a, B.b from A join B on cast(A.a as int) = B.b
> > >
> > > as an equi join ?
> > >
> > > Now Calcite think it is not, which I think will lost some possibilities
> > for sql plan promotion, e.g. join condition push down.
> > >
> > > Best,
> > > Danny Chan
> >
> >

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