Thanks, Danny! I've merged your change in and will make rc0 available for voting soon.

Thanks for testing and confirming, Kai!

On 9/05/2019 5:51 pm, Kai Jiang wrote:
Thanks Danny! Test it on BeamSQL and the error msg comes back.


On Wed, May 8, 2019 at 11:51 PM Yuzhao Chen <> wrote:

Fired a PR in

Danny Chan
在 2019年5月9日 +0800 PM1:52,Francis Chuang <>,写道:
Thanks, Danny! If you can open a PR for it, I'll try to merge it in
today and make 1.15.0-rc0 available for voting.


On 9/05/2019 3:49 pm, Yuzhao Chen wrote:
I test Drill 1.16.0 + Squirrel SQL 3.9 + avatica 1.15.0-SNAPSHOT and
the error msg comes back.

Danny Chan
在 2019年5月9日 +0800 PM12:12,Francis Chuang <
Thanks for looking into this, Danny!

I think that covers all bases. My only suggestion would be to see if
can use Squirrel SQL as the client and see if the error messages come

On 9/05/2019 1:21 pm, Yuzhao Chen wrote:
Broadly I think redundant error msg is much better than nothing,
so revert CALCITE-2845 is more accepttable.

It seems the most breaking changes are from [1], but there are no
more tests so I just revert CALCITE-2845, and do these check:

1. Revert CALCITE-2845
1. Test Calcite-Avatica master branch locally and passed
2. Change Calcite master's avatica dependency version to
1.15.0-SNAPSHOT and test locally, also passed

Are there any other tests that I should do ? I’m wandering if I
missed something.


Danny Chan
在 2019年5月9日 +0800 AM9:34,Francis Chuang <
Many thanks, Danny!

On 9/05/2019 11:33 am, Yuzhao Chen wrote:
Francis, I will help to take this issue.

Danny Chan
在 2019年5月9日 +0800 AM6:33,Francis Chuang <>,写道:
According to the issue, it blocks CALCITE-2817 [1], however
was in Calcite 1.19.0, which was released before Avatica

I am happy to revert CALCITE-2845 as I am pretty keen to get
the ball
rolling for Avatica 1.15.0, but can someone please confirm
that it's
safe to revert CALCITE-2845? We don't want to end up in a
where Avatica 1.15.0 is broken and ends up blocking
Avatica-Go and
Calcite again.


On 8/05/2019 11:56 pm, Stamatis Zampetakis wrote:
Since nobody is actively working on CALCITE-3040 and we
would like to
release 1.15.0 relatively soon, the only viable solution
is to revert
CALCITE-2845, hoping that people who downloaded 1.14.0 are
not making
changes to their code based on that.

On Wed, May 8, 2019 at 12:29 AM Francis Chuang <>

Could someone please have a look at CALCITE-3040 [1]?

CALCITE-3040 is a blocker for 1.15.0 and I can make rc0
available for
voting once it's fixed.



On 1/05/2019 10:47 am, Francis Chuang wrote:
After Avatica 1.14.0 was released, it was reported
that the fix for
CALCITE-2845 [1] broke some existing clients. This is
currently being
tracked in CALCITE-3040 [2].

We need to release Avatica 1.15.0 to fix this issue,
so that Calcite can
upgrade its version of Avatica.

While this is a tiny release, it's also possible to
include other fixes,
if required. Other than CALCITE-3040, are there any
other issues you
guys would like to see fixed?



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