By “extend” do you mean “sub-class”?

> On Jun 4, 2019, at 10:19 PM, Yuzhao Chen <> wrote:
> Thanks Julian for your detail reply,
> 1. I checked the Janino gened-code and the 
> RelMetadataQuery/RelMetadataProvidor and almost can make sure MetadataQuery 
> only use the RelMetadataProvidor#handlers method for multiple dispatch, the 
> RelMetadataProvidor#apply is only used for MetadataFactory.
> 2. I agree that we should provide new RelMetadataProvider for extension, but 
> the RelMetadataQuery has top level interfaces for metadata query, these top 
> level interfaces should be extendable and sync with our metadata handlers.
> Best,
> Danny Chan
> 在 2019年6月5日 +0800 AM1:48,Julian Hyde <>,写道:
>>> 1. Why we have 2 methods in RelMetadataProvider?
>> The metadata system is complicated. We need to allow multiple handlers
>> for any given call. So, making a metadata call involves multiple
>> dispatch [1] based on the metadata method being called, the type of
>> RelNode, and the handlers that are registered. Also it needs to cache
>> results, and detect cycles. And the dispatch needs to be efficient, so
>> we generate janino code to do the dispatch, and re-generate when new
>> handlers or sub-classes of RelNode are added.
>> I forget details, the two methods are basically required to allow us
>> to generate code to do the dispatch.
>>> 2. We should make the RelMetadataQuery in RelOptCluster pluggable.
>> I disagree. RelMetadataQuery is not an extension point. Its sole
>> purpose is to to keep state (the cache and cycle-checking).
>> RelMetadataProvider is the extension point. (By analogy, if you are
>> un-parsing an AST, you let each AST sub-class handle unparsing itself,
>> but the unparsed text goes to a simple StringBuilder. RelMetadataQuery
>> is in the role of the StringBuilder. In a complex system, it is nice
>> to keep some of the components simple, or at least keep them to
>> prescribed roles.)
>> Julian
>> [1]
>>> On Sun, Jun 2, 2019 at 11:19 PM Yuzhao Chen <> wrote:
>>> Currently we provide answer to metadata query through RelMetadataProvider 
>>> [1], there are some sub-classes of it:
>>> RelMetadataProvider
>>> |
>>> |- VolcanoRelMetadataProvider
>>> |- ChainedRelMetadataProvider/DefaultRelMetadataProvider
>>> |- HepRelMetadataProvider
>>> |- CachingRelMetadataProvider
>>> |- ReflectiveRelMetadataProvider
>>> |- JaninoRelMetadataProvider
>>> The RelMetadataProvider has two methods: #apply and #handlers, the #apply 
>>> method seems a programming interface and there is a demo code how we can 
>>> use it:
>>> RelMetadataProvider provider;
>>> LogicalFilter filter;
>>> RexNode predicate;
>>> Function<RelNode, Metadata> function =
>>> provider.apply(LogicalFilter.class, Selectivity.class};
>>> Selectivity selectivity = function.apply(filter);
>>> Double d = selectivity.selectivity(predicate);
>>> But let's see our RelOptCluster's member variables[2], there are 
>>> MetadataFactory and RelMetadataQuery which all can be used to query the 
>>> metadata, for MetadataFactory, there is a default impl named 
>>> MetadataFactoryImpl which will invoke RelMetadataProvider#apply internally, 
>>> for RelMetadataQuery, it will invoke RelMetadataProvider#handlers (finally 
>>> composed and codeden by JaninoRelMetadataProvider).
>>> In our planning phrase, we can invoke RelOptRuleCall#getMetadataQuery to 
>>> get the MQ and query the metadata.
>>> For extension of metadata handlers, we can set our customized 
>>> RelMetadataProvider in RelOptCluster[3]. But for RelMetadataQuery, we have 
>>> no way to extend it now, because the RelOptCluster always has a singleton 
>>> instance [4] which is only the default implementation.
>>> My question is as follows:
>>> 1. Why we have 2 methods in RelMetadataProvider, and why we need the 
>>> MetadataFactory and RelMetadataProvider#apply ? It seems that it's function 
>>> is already been overriden by RelMetadataQuery(The difference is that 
>>> MetadataFactory use Reflection and RelMetadataQuery use gened bytes code).
>>> 2. We should make the RelMetadataQuery in RelOptCluster pluggable.
>>> [1] 
>>> [2] 
>>> [3] 
>>> [4] 
>>> Best,
>>> Danny Chan

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