ApacheCon North America is in Las Vegas 8 - 12 September. There are 5 talks about Calcite [1].
Yes, five! A great indication that Calcite is being widely used. (Of those 5 talks, 3 also cover Beam, 2 cover Flink, and one each MaxCompute, Drill and Samza.) Consider coming along. It’s a great opportunity to meet fellow members of the Apache community. There is a discount off of the conference fee if you are a committer or in academia, and I believe travel assistance grants are still available. I am giving one of the talks. I’m looking forward to meeting the other speakers (Haisheng Yuan, Aman Sinha, Andrew Pilloud, Kenneth Knowles, Khai Tran), most of whom I have only met over email. Julian [1] https://apachecon.com/acna19/s/#/schedule/2019-09-12?search=calcite <https://apachecon.com/acna19/s/#/schedule/2019-09-12?search=calcite>