Hi Gabriel,

It's always very exciting to see new clients/drivers for Avatica that are contributed by the community.

We maintain a list of clients for Avatica on this page: https://calcite.apache.org/avatica/docs/

Would it be okay to add your Javascript client to that page?


On 10/09/2019 5:45 pm, Gabriel Reid wrote:

I just wanted to let anyone who's interested know that I've recently been
working on a JavaScript (i.e. Node.js) client for Avatica. The current
status is that it does what I need it to do (i.e. it can execute a query
and return the results), and it could potentially be useful to others (as
well as being built on further), although I'm sure that it doesn't cover
all use cases (e.g. currently only a subset of data types are handled).

The GitHub repo is here: https://github.com/waylayio/avatica-js
The npm entry is here: https://www.npmjs.com/package/avaticajs

- Gabriel

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