Hi Feng,

You’re right, i get the same result with your suggestion, and either of the 
following expressions is ok.

1. properties.put(CalciteConnectionProperty.LEX.camelName(), "MYSQL");
2. properties.put("lex", "MYSQL");

You’re familiar with Calcite :), and thanks for your help and kindness! ☺

Actually, we plan to develop a new feature, and i find Calcite is a great 
option to meet our demand.

Thanks Calcite community, and hope two communities can build deeper connection.

Apache ShardingSphere(Incubator) is an open-source ecosystem consisted of a set 
of distributed database middleware solutions.

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Juan Pan
Juan Pan(Trista), Apache ShardingSphere

On 09/12/2019 17:32,Feng Zhu<wellfeng...@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi, Juan Pan:
You may find the logic in *UnregisterDriver#connect(String url, Properties
It just parses the key-value pairs in url's prefix and adds into the copy
of "info".
Therefore, I think the below config
*properties.put(CalciteConnecti**onProperty.LEX, Lex.MYSQL); *
should be aligned with your first usage:
*properties.put("lex", "MYSQL"); *

Juan Pan <panj...@apache.org> 于2019年9月12日周四 下午2:23写道:

Hi Feng,

Thanks for your promote reply. :)

Lex is just what i want. But when i tried to use it, i encountered another

The first usage is ok, but the second one doesn’t work. ThoughLex are used
in different methods, the result will be same, i think. Do i misunderstand?
Or is the second one wrong usage?

The first usage:

CONNECTION_URL = "jdbc:calcite:lex=MYSQL;model=xxxx"

try (Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(CONNECTION_URL);

Statement statement = connection.createStatement()) {

// do some things


The second usage:

CONNECTION_URL = "jdbc:calcite:model="

Properties properties = new Properties();

properties.put(CalciteConnectionProperty.LEX, Lex.MYSQL);

try (Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(CONNECTION_URL,

Statement statement = connection.createStatement()) {

// do some things


Thanks again for your kindness, and waiting  for u. :)



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Juan Pan
Juan Pan(Trista), Apache ShardingSphere

On 09/11/2019 20:23,Feng Zhu<wellfeng...@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi, JuanPan,
You can refer to Lex, which decides how identifiers are quoted, whether
they are converted to upper-case


Juan Pan <panj...@apache.org> 于2019年9月11日周三 下午8:05写道:

Hi, all the committers and contributors,

This email is for your help.

I am now deep in Apache Calcite, and it’s great. Now, i want to know
whether it is possible that unquoted identifiers are not implicitly
converted to upper case?

For example, a SQL is `select name from test`, when it was executed, an
exception is thrown:

org.apache.calcite.sql.validate.SqlValidatorException: Object 'TEST' not
found within 'memory'; did you mean 'test’?

I wonder there is any setting that can make `name` and `test`  recognized
correctly by Calcite without double quotes.

Thanks for your help.

Juan Pan(Trista) Apache ShardingSphere

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