    I want to know how to connect to es5 in the latest mainline code. I
read the es5 theme in the official documentation and mailing list, but I
didn't find the answer.
            I tried to connect es5 in the latest mainline code, but it
            I modified the es version in pom.xml to be the same as the
version in the calcite 1.16-elasticsearch5 directory (5.5.2), but the
compiler will report an error with the error message: Could not find
artifact org.elasticsearch.client:elasticsearch-rest -client:jar:5.5.2 in
central (https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2)
            My model.json is as follows:
            [image: 蓝信图片_lx_clip1569831497074.jpg]

Thank you very much for your reply!

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