Dependabot is a bot on Github that opens PRs to automatically upgrade out of date dependencies to fix security issues. Recently, Github acquired dependabot and is gradually enabling the bot on all repositories.

It just opened a PR to upgrade a few dependencies in the Avatica repository:

I'd like to start some discussion as to how we should deal with these PRs. For some background, dependency upgrades should usually have a jira issue number assigned, so that the change is fully trackable. We recently had some discussion regarding trivial fixes to documentation and the consensus was that changes to the code is not considered to be trivial and that an issue should be filed on jira.

If we will not merge these PRs, I think it makes sense to ask infra to disable them. Having these open PRs and then closing them manually seem to generate a lot of noise. According to the documentation for dependabot [1] it appears that we can either opt out of having dependabot opening PRs completely or have it open PRs. There is no middle-ground where dependabot/Github sends members of the repo a notification for security issues, but do not open any PRs.

What do you guys think?



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