Project-specific rules are missing, thus general rules apply: ,

It says:

> In this scenario, a negative vote constitutes a veto
<> , which cannot be

>Under normal (non-lazy consensus) conditions, the proposal requires three
positive votes and no negative ones in order to pass

I should have declared the vote as lazy consensus, but I realized that only
after it was too late.

So the effective rules for the current vote are: three +1 to pass, no -1,
-1 must be accompanied with a technical justification.

My vote is +1, so two more +1 are required.

Julian> Assuming that this was a discussion, my “-1” meant “I’m generally
against this idea”

It is a vote on a code change, thus '-1' implies veto.

Julian> without more discussion

What do you mean by that? Is the current 'discussion' enough?


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