Vladimir proposed that we convert some tests to Kotlin. The general reaction 
was against the idea[1]. After receiving this feedback, he went ahead anyway[2].

I propose that we remove all Kotlin from our source code, including tests. The 
benefits of being a hybrid Java+Kotlin project do not outweigh the negatives. 
We should go back to being solely Java. (I would make an exception for 
build.gradle.kts, because build scripts are generally in a different language.)

Vladimir clearly has a lot of enthusiasm to change the build system, coding 
style, the languages we use. I tend to be more conservative (don’t fix things 
that aren’t broken). Speaking personally, I find working with Vladimir 
extremely stressful. Of course, a lot of the things he is removing are things 
that I personally have created, so I naturally take this more personally than 
most people. Still, his actions over the last few weeks have left me angry, 
depressed, and burned out with the project. 




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