Stamatis>HepPlanner does not perform cost-based decisions so for most
use-cases I

It seems to have some cost-based decisions, so providing ill-defined cost
seems wrong.
Well, let's see how new VolcanoCost would work, and then we could discuss

Stamatis>Although it is nice to account for CPU and IO in the cost model,
it has
Stamatis>been shown [1]

I don't think the article applies here.
Calcite's Volcano optimizer tends to produce lots of Project and Filter
and it is important to weight them appropriately, otherwise, it would
endlessly generate
dumb projects.

Stamatis>[1] has also an interesting discussion regarding Postgres
Stamatis>cost model.

PostgreSQL cost model has _two_ cost values for each relation: startup cost
and total cost (see )
However, the article does not mention the difference between startup and
total cost, thus it does not look like
they properly discuss PostgreSQL cost model.

I'm not sure how often startup cost is useful, but it might help for cases
like "(...) limit 5"
For example, currently, we don't really use "offset/limit" for cost
And we do not have a clear answer to that.

On the other hand, if each relation could supply its "startup cost", then
the cost of "limit" would be
startupCost + totalCost*(limit / totalRows)


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