> MEMO group (RelSet) represents logically equivalent expressions.
> All the expressions in one group should share the same logical
> properties, e.g. functional dependency, constraint properties etc.
> But they are not sharing it. Computation is done for each individual operator.

It's good, and correct, that we compute for each individual operator.

Suppose that a RelSubset s contains RelNode r1 and we know that the
constraint x > 0 holds. Suppose that we also have r2 with constraint y
< 10, and we discover that r1 and r2 are equivalent and belong
together in s. Now we can safely say that both constraints (x > 0 and
y < 10) apply to both r1 and r2.

Deducing additional constraints in this way is a big win. The effort
to compute constraints for each RelNode is well-spent.

This kind of deduction applies to other logical properties (e.g.
unique keys) and it applies to RelSet as well as RelSubset.


On Sun, Jan 12, 2020 at 10:10 AM Roman Kondakov
<kondako...@mail.ru.invalid> wrote:
> @Haisheng
> > Calcite uses Project operator and all kinds of ProjectXXXTranposeRule to 
> > prune unused columns.
> I also noticed that in most cases Project-related rules took significant
> part of the planning time. But I didn't explore this problem yet.
> > MEMO group (RelSet) represents logically equivalent expressions. All the 
> > expressions in one group should share the same logical properties, e.g. 
> > functional dependency, constraint properties etc. But they are not sharing 
> > it. Computation is done for each individual operator.
> I thought the equivalence of logical properties within groups (RelSets)
> are implicit. For example, in RelSet#addInternal it is always verified
> that the new added node has the same type as other members of the set.
> Anyway I absolutely agree with you that problems with traits
> propagation, rules matching and other that you mentioned in the previous
> e-mails should be solved in the first place. We need first to make
> Volcano optimizer work right and only then make some improvements like
> search space pruning.
> I would love to join this work to improve Volcano planner. Looking
> forward for design doc.
> --
> Kind Regards
> Roman Kondakov
> On 11.01.2020 11:42, Haisheng Yuan wrote:
> > Currently, Calcite uses Project operator and all kinds of 
> > ProjectXXXTranposeRule to prune unused columns. Every operator's output 
> > columns use index to reference child operators' columns. If there is a 
> > Project operator with child operator of a Filter, if we push project down 
> > under Filter, we will have Project-Filter-Project-FilterInput. All the 
> > newly generated relnodes will trigger rule matches. e.g. If we already did 
> > ReduceExpressionRule on filter, but due to the new filter RexCall's input 
> > ref index changed, we have to apply ReduceExpressionRule on the new filter 
> > again, even there is nothing can be reduced. Similarly new operator 
> > transpose/merge rule will be triggered. This can trigger a lot of rule 
> > matches.
> >
> > MEMO group (RelSet) represents logically equivalent expressions. All the 
> > expressions in one group should share the same logical properties, e.g. 
> > functional dependency, constraint properties etc. But they are not sharing 
> > it. Computation is done for each individual operator.
> >
> > Without resolving those issue, space pruning won't help much.
> >
> > There are a lot of room for improvement. Hope the community can join the 
> > effort to make Calcite better.
> >
> > - Haisheng
> >
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------
> > 发件人:Roman Kondakov<kondako...@mail.ru.INVALID>
> > 日 期:2020年01月10日 19:39:51
> > 收件人:<dev@calcite.apache.org>
> > 主 题:Re: [DISCUSS] Proposal to add API to force rules matching specific rels
> >
> > @Haisheng, could you please clarify what you mean by these points?
> >
> >> - the poor-design of column pruning,
> >> - lack of group properties etc.
> >
> > I guess I'm not aware of these problems.
> >

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