Hi Christian,

Yes, I do agree it is better to generate SEMI/ANTI during Sql-to-Rel conversion 
if possible.

With regard to the missing Rel-to-Sql conversion for SEMI/ANTI joins, you can 
log a JIRA and open a pull request for it, people are happy to take a look.

- Haisheng

发件人:Christian Beikov<christian.bei...@gmail.com>
日 期:2020年02月20日 03:11:02
收件人:Haisheng Yuan<h.y...@alibaba-inc.com>; Apache Calcite dev 
主 题:Re: Translation of SQL EXISTS

Hey Haisheng,
it is nice to have a rule that detects such patterns but do you agree that it 
would be better to generate SEMI- and ANTI-joins already during Sql-to-Rel 
I implemented the Rel-to-Sql conversion for SEMI- and ANTI-join and it seems to 
work for my use cases, but it feels a bit ugly as I have to do some 
transformations which might be ad-hoc. I had to replace identifiers that refer 
to the outcome of the SEMI- and ANTI-joins with the select items of the LHS 
because the SEMI- and ANTI-join does not get an alias.
See for yourself: 
I'll add a few tests and a comment, but could anyone please comment on whether 
this approach looks ok?
Am 19.02.2020 um 19:03 schrieb Haisheng Yuan:
Hi Christian,

For the query in your example, Calcite first generates inner join plan with 
aggregate child, then through SemJoinRule transform the inner join to semi or 
antisemi join. The reason to have inner join is that it allows join 
commutativity, which is good for generating a potential better plan with 
nestedloop join or hash join.

Admittedly, this process in Calcite is counter intuitive. It should be in 
reverse order, first generate a semi or anti-semi join, then generate an 
inner/outer join.

- Haisheng

 发件人:Christian Beikov<christian.bei...@gmail.com>
 日 期:2020年02月19日 21:12:13
 主 题:Translation of SQL EXISTS


 I'm a bit confused about how the SQL EXISTS predicate is translated. I'd 
 assume that an EXISTS is translated in relational algebra to a SEMI- and 
 NOT EXISTS to an ANTI-join, but it's not.

 PlannerImpl p = new PlannerImpl(config);
 SqlNode sqlNode = p.parse("delete from _order o where exists (select 1 
 from order_position p where o.id = p.order_id)");
 RelRoot rel = p.rel(sqlNode);
 RelToSqlConverter sqlConverter = new RelToSqlConverter(dialect);
 SqlImplementor.Result result = sqlConverter.visitChild(0, rel.rel);

 Worse, when printing this, I only get DELETE FROM "public"."_order" i.e. 
 the EXISTS part is not rendered. This is the plan I get.

 LogicalTableModify(table=[[adhoc, _order]], operation=[DELETE], 
      LogicalProject(inputs=[0], exprs=[[CAST($1):BIGINT, CAST($2):BOOLEAN]])
        LogicalJoin(condition=[=($0, $1)], joinType=[inner])
          JdbcTableScan(table=[[adhoc, _order]])
          LogicalAggregate(group=[{0}], agg#0=[MIN($1)])
            LogicalProject(exprs=[[$1, true]])
              JdbcTableScan(table=[[adhoc, order_position]])

 I'd expect something along the lines of

 LogicalTableModify(table=[[adhoc, _order]], operation=[DELETE], 
        LogicalJoin(condition=[=($0, $1)], joinType=[semi])
          JdbcTableScan(table=[[adhoc, _order]])
          JdbcTableScan(table=[[adhoc, order_position]])

 and for NOT EXISTS

 LogicalTableModify(table=[[adhoc, _order]], operation=[DELETE], 
        LogicalJoin(condition=[=($0, $1)], joinType=[anti])
          JdbcTableScan(table=[[adhoc, _order]])
          JdbcTableScan(table=[[adhoc, order_position]])

 Am I missing something and the current aggregate function translation 
 makes sense?

 I constructed relational algebra structures for some other statements 
 with SEMI- and ANTI-joins and already noticed that these join types 
 weren't handled in 
 which I fixed locally. Is the lack of a translation intentional?

 Is such a translation of SEMI- and ANTI-join to EXISTS and NOT EXISTS an 
 over-simplification or would you say it's correct? As far as I 
 understood from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Relational_algebra this is 

 I'd be happy to contribute that back. I didn't look into the Sql-to-Rel 
 translation for EXISTS and NOT EXISTS to SEMI- and ANTI-join yet, but I 
 assume that's not that hard and I could add that.



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