Hi All,

I have recently started using Calcite as the query parser/planner for a
side project. I have created a set of RelNodes corresponding to my physical
nodes, and a set of rules. I have created my own convention.

All works well for queries without a join - my physical nodes are
created fine (aggregates, projections, filters, table scans, all ok).

When I try and transform to my physical plan where the query contains a
join, I get the following error:

"There are not enough rules to produce a node with desired properties:
convention=FLOWDB, sort=[]. All the inputs have relevant nodes, however the
cost is still infinite."

(full error output at bottom of the post)

I stumbled upon this post when googling this:


I have checked and I am specifying my convention when transforming to the
physical plan, and my rules seem to be set up ok.

There is one comment in the above linked issue that is perhaps relevant

"You should also supply the metadata in you convention nodes, so that our
metadata system can compute the cumulative cost correctly."

But I don't really understand what this means. Can someone explain to a
newb like me what metadata is required and how I provide it?

Many thanks,

full error report:

_INITIAL: There are not enough rules to produce a node with desired
properties: convention=FLOWDB, sort=[]. All the inputs have relevant nodes,
however the cost is still infinite.

Root: rel#76:Subset#3.FLOWDB.[]

Original rel:

LogicalProject(subset=[rel#76:Subset#3.FLOWDB.[]], sensor_id=[$0],
temp=[$2], name=[$4], country=[$5]): rowcount = 1500.0, cumulative cost =
{1500.0 rows, 6000.0 cpu, 0.0 io}, id = 74

  LogicalJoin(subset=[rel#73:Subset#2.NONE.[]], condition=[=($1, $3)],
joinType=[left]): rowcount = 1500.0, cumulative cost = {1500.0 rows, 0.0
cpu, 0.0 io}, id = 72

table=[[latest_sensor_readings]]): rowcount = 100.0, cumulative cost =
{100.0 rows, 101.0 cpu, 0.0 io}, id = 65

table=[[current_locations]]): rowcount = 100.0, cumulative cost = {100.0
rows, 101.0 cpu, 0.0 io}, id = 66


Set#0, type: RecordType(VARCHAR sensor_id, BIGINT location_id, DOUBLE temp)

rel#70:Subset#0.NONE.[], best=null, importance=0.7290000000000001

rowcount=100.0, cumulative cost={inf}

rel#84:Subset#0.FLOWDB.[], best=rel#83, importance=0.36450000000000005

rowcount=100.0, cumulative cost={100.0 rows, 101.0 cpu, 0.0 io}

Set#1, type: RecordType(BIGINT location_id, VARCHAR name, VARCHAR country)

rel#71:Subset#1.NONE.[], best=null, importance=0.7290000000000001

rel#66:LogicalTableScan.NONE.[](table=[current_locations]), rowcount=100.0,
cumulative cost={inf}

rel#82:Subset#1.FLOWDB.[], best=rel#81, importance=0.36450000000000005

rowcount=100.0, cumulative cost={100.0 rows, 101.0 cpu, 0.0 io}

Set#2, type: RecordType(VARCHAR sensor_id, BIGINT location_id, DOUBLE temp,
BIGINT location_id0, VARCHAR name, VARCHAR country)

rel#73:Subset#2.NONE.[], best=null, importance=0.81

$3),joinType=left), rowcount=1500.0, cumulative cost={inf}

rel#78:Subset#2.FLOWDB.[], best=null, importance=0.9

$3),joinType=left), rowcount=1500.0, cumulative cost={inf}

Set#3, type: RecordType(VARCHAR sensor_id, DOUBLE temp, VARCHAR name,
VARCHAR country)

rel#75:Subset#3.NONE.[], best=null, importance=0.9

rel#74:LogicalProject.NONE.[](input=RelSubset#73,inputs=0,exprs=[$2, $4,
$5]), rowcount=1500.0, cumulative cost={inf}

rel#76:Subset#3.FLOWDB.[], best=null, importance=1.0

rowcount=1500.0, cumulative cost={inf}

rel#79:PhysicalProject.FLOWDB.[](input=RelSubset#78,inputs=0,exprs=[$2, $4,
$5]), rowcount=1500.0, cumulative cost={inf}


digraph G {

root [style=filled,label="Root"];

subgraph cluster0{

label="Set 0 RecordType(VARCHAR sensor_id, BIGINT location_id, DOUBLE


cost={100.0 rows, 101.0 cpu, 0.0 io}",color=blue,shape=box]

subset70 [label="rel#70:Subset#0.NONE.[]"]

subset84 [label="rel#84:Subset#0.FLOWDB.[]"]


subgraph cluster1{

label="Set 1 RecordType(BIGINT location_id, VARCHAR name, VARCHAR country)";


cost={100.0 rows, 101.0 cpu, 0.0 io}",color=blue,shape=box]

subset71 [label="rel#71:Subset#1.NONE.[]"]

subset82 [label="rel#82:Subset#1.FLOWDB.[]"]


subgraph cluster2{

label="Set 2 RecordType(VARCHAR sensor_id, BIGINT location_id, DOUBLE temp,
BIGINT location_id0, VARCHAR name, VARCHAR country)";

$3),joinType=left\nrows=1500.0, cost={inf}",shape=box]

$3),joinType=left\nrows=1500.0, cost={inf}",shape=box]

subset73 [label="rel#73:Subset#2.NONE.[]"]

subset78 [label="rel#78:Subset#2.FLOWDB.[]"]


subgraph cluster3{

label="Set 3 RecordType(VARCHAR sensor_id, DOUBLE temp, VARCHAR name,
VARCHAR country)";

rel74 [label="rel#74:LogicalProject\ninput=RelSubset#73,inputs=0,exprs=[$2,
$4, $5]\nrows=1500.0, cost={inf}",shape=box]


[label="rel#79:PhysicalProject\ninput=RelSubset#78,inputs=0,exprs=[$2, $4,
$5]\nrows=1500.0, cost={inf}",shape=box]

subset75 [label="rel#75:Subset#3.NONE.[]"]

subset76 [label="rel#76:Subset#3.FLOWDB.[]"]


root -> subset76;

subset70 -> rel65;

subset84 -> rel83[color=blue];

subset71 -> rel66;

subset82 -> rel81[color=blue];

subset73 -> rel72; rel72 -> subset70[label="0"]; rel72 ->

subset78 -> rel80; rel80 -> subset70[label="0"]; rel80 ->

subset75 -> rel74; rel74 -> subset73;

subset76 -> rel77; rel77 -> subset75;

subset76 -> rel79; rel79 -> subset78;

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