Vladimir, Haisheng,

thank you for sharing your thoughts. And special thanks to Haisheng for
awesome examples.

I found Julian's reasoning about representing bitmap indexes as joins
very deep and interesting. As I understand this idea right, for table
A(a,b,c) indexes over columns, say, 'a' and 'b' can be represented as
relations sorted by 'a' and 'b':

idx_a('rowId', 'a') [collation=[a]]
idx_b('rowId', 'b') [collation=[b]]

Table A itself may be represented as a relation

scan_A('rowId', 'a', 'b', 'c') [collation=[]]

using this approach, bitmap indexes may be represented as set operations
(union, intersect) over idx_a and idx_b followed by joining with scan_A
using 'rowId'.

Index-only scans (aka covered indexes), can be modeled as scans over
idx_a or idx_b without consequent join with the main table.

@Julian, did I get your idea right?

If one try to apply this approach directly, then the search space will
be quickly polluted by those index relations. But if the Lattice-like
framework from the Julian's mail is implemented, then it will be a great
feature, I guess.

@Haisheng, BTW we are working on the indexed nested loop join right now
and it looks like it can be implemented without special
Join2IndexApplyRule: we'll use correlation variable from join condition
as filter condition. If there is no index there - it will be a simple
correlated nested loop join (or Apply). If index is present, the cost
will be lower because index lookup will speed up this join, and this
index scan will win.

> There is another useful feature, that is IndexApply.
> The rule of Join2IndexApply will transform a logical join to logical index 
> apply, then transform to physical indexed nested loop join.
> select * from foo join bar on foo.a = bar.f;
> There is an index on foo.a, but no index on bar.f.

Thank you!

Kind Regards
Roman Kondakov

On 02.06.2020 19:55, Julian Hyde wrote:

> Vladimir,
> I feel the same way. MVs are more powerful and general, and with some effort 
> they could be just as efficient as other approaches. 
> One problem that needs to be solved is the “registration problem”. If you 
> have a lot of MVs they all have to be registered in the planner’s search 
> space, otherwise the planner will not find them.
> I would like to see a benchmark for this. Say we have 1,000 MVs and we plan 
> 10,000 queries that potentially use them. The goal is that the planning cost 
> Is comparable to only having 1 MV. We could achieve the goal by re-using the 
> MVs across planner instances (thereby amortizing the cost of creating them) 
> and “index” the planner’s search space.
> The Lattice structure essentially does this for families for join-aggregate 
> MVs (summary tables). We need something similar for project-sort MVs 
> (indexes). 
> Julian

On 02.06.2020 10:05, Vladimir Ozerov wrote:
> Hi Roman,
> To me, there is no principal difference between materialized views and
> rule-based approaches - they are both "rules". In the materialized views
> approach the rule is to create all alternative access paths
> unconditionally, this rule is always fired first during the optimization
> process. A rule-based approach gives you flexibility. You may do exactly
> the same as with materialized views - just enumerate all access paths and
> add them to search space. But at the same time, you may develop more
> complicated things, such as pruning, bitmap index joins, etc. This is not
> possible with materialized views.
> In this sense, the difference in complexity between materialized views
> approach and rule-based approach with similar features (no pruning, etc) is
> close to zero - in both cases you just iterate over existing indexes and
> add them to search space. Rule-based approach becomes more complex when you
> add more features to it.
> вт, 2 июн. 2020 г. в 00:37, Haisheng Yuan <hy...@apache.org>:
>> Hi Roman,
>> There are some potential advantages.
>> Let's still use this as example.
>> SELECT * FROM foo WHERE a > 100 or b < 1000;
>> Both column a and b have B-Tree indexes, note that it doesn't have to be
>> bitmap index.
>>  Bitmap Table Scan on foo
>>    ->  BitmapOr
>>          ->  Bitmap Index Scan on foo_index_a
>>                Index Cond: (a > 100)
>>          ->  Bitmap Index Scan on foo_index_b
>>                Index Cond: (b < 1000)
>> filter a:  --------------------
>> filter b:    -----------------------
>> The bitmap scan just needs to read the tuples of satisfying the condition
>> once, because the BitmapOr will eliminate duplicate tuple id. Constructing
>> to UNION ALL will read the intersecting part twice, and it will increase
>> the search space a little bit even when there is no available index.
>> If we change the condition from OR to AND:
>> SELECT * FROM foo WHERE a > 100 and b < 1000;
>> Will MV-based approach have to choose which index to use?
>> I would prefer the following plan:
>>  Bitmap Table Scan on foo
>>    ->  BitmapAnd
>>          ->  Bitmap Index Scan on foo_index_a
>>                Index Cond: (a > 100)
>>          ->  Bitmap Index Scan on foo_index_b
>>                Index Cond: (b < 1000)
>> filter a:  --------------------
>> filter b:                     -----------------------
>> It would be extremely helpful when the intersecting range is very small,
>> because it just need to read the intersected data page only to fetch tuples.
>> This can applies to arbitrary combinations of AND/OR conditions.
>> This is an attractive feature for data warehousing customers.
>> Another example:
>> SELECT max(a) from foo;
>> The query can be transformed to
>> SELECT a from foo order by a desc limit 1;
>> If there is a index on column 'a' but with ASC order.
>> The collation trait request will pass to TableScan, if there is an index
>> on the collation key. We just need to transform to an IndexScan with
>> reverse index scan direction, which is already possible in current Calcite.
>> Similarly, the user query may be simple but the index on a is ASC order:
>> SELECT * from foo order by a desc;
>> MV-based approach would have to register all the tablescan again with
>> reversed index scan direction.
>> There is another useful feature, that is IndexApply.
>> The rule of Join2IndexApply will transform a logical join to logical index
>> apply, then transform to physical indexed nested loop join.
>> select * from foo join bar on foo.a = bar.f;
>> There is an index on foo.a, but no index on bar.f.
>> Nested Loop Inner Join
>>   Join Filter: true
>>   -> TableScan on bar
>>   -> Index Scan using foo_index_a on foo
>>        Index Cond: foo.a = bar.f
>> MV-based approach would have to sort table bar if it want to use the index.
>> But considering Ignite is a in-memory computing platform, MV-based
>> approach would be just good enough to serve its purpose.
>> Looking at Drill's DbScanToIndexScanPrule.java, the way Apache Drill uses
>> to tackle with index is not wrong, but I would not recommend to follow
>> Drill's example to do it.
>> Thanks,
>> Haisheng
>> On 2020/06/01 19:15:32, Julian Hyde <jh...@apache.org> wrote:
>>> I'm pleased there are a variety of approaches. People should use
>>> whichever works for them and their use case.
>>> The so-called "rule-based" approach is definitely useful for
>>> OLTP-style queries where you are accessing a few rows and you need to
>>> plan quickly.
>>> Haisheng mentioned bitmap indexes a while back. Optimizing queries to
>>> use bitmap indexes is interesting because they can be combined in more
>>> ways than regular indexes. In this case, and many others, it is worth
>>> thinking about the problem at a high level. For example, combining two
>>> bitmap indexes can be modeled as a join, where the join keys are the
>>> record ids, and the record ids are sorted within each index value.
>>> Thinking at the high level can find plans that the rule-based approach
>>> will never find.
>>> Indexes-as-MVs, indexes-as-tables, and
>>> index-filtered-table-scan-as-join are other examples of the high-level
>>> approach.
>>> Julian
>>> On Mon, Jun 1, 2020 at 12:00 PM Roman Kondakov
>>> <kondako...@mail.ru.invalid> wrote:
>>>> Hi Xiening,
>>>> the example was synthetic. What is still not clear for me is how to
>>>> exploit index sortedness with a rule based approach. As far as I
>>>> understand with this approach we need to write complex rules (for
>>>> example [1]) that should decide which index is useful and which is not
>>>> useful. These rules should take into account both statistics and
>>>> collations, so they do some part of work that should be done by a cost
>>>> model. And it makes writing such rules quite a difficult task.
>>>> With a materialized views approach we can register all indexes as
>> scans,
>>>> push filters to them if needed. And the cost model, not a rule, will
>>>> decide which index is better based on its cost and output collation.
>>>> So the benefits of rule based approach are not so obvious to me. I
>> would
>>>> really appreciate if you could tell me in what cases rule-based
>> approach
>>>> is better. I understand that its definitely better in scenarios when
>> the
>>>> number of indexes is very high. But may be there are some other
>> advantages?
>>>> Thank you!
>>>> [1]
>> https://github.com/apache/drill/blob/master/exec/java-exec/src/main/java/org/apache/drill/exec/planner/index/rules/DbScanToIndexScanPrule.java
>>>> --
>>>> Kind Regards
>>>> Roman Kondakov
>>>> On 01.06.2020 21:00, Xiening Dai wrote:
>>>>> Hi Roman,
>>>>> The example you mentioned is an advanced scenario. Note that there
>> are different types of index, such as clustered index, secondary index,
>> covered and non-covered index. In your case, typical OLTP/OLAP optimizer
>> would create an index-based join on top of the range table scan (or
>> FilteredTableScan in your term). And these transformation can definitely be
>> based on rules. But the difficult part is actually the statistics
>> estimation and cost calculation. You could end up with higher runtime cost
>> with index based join when join cardinality is high.
>>>>> But back to the original question, if we’d like to leverage index on
>> table scan, I think simple rule would serve the purpose. In fact, we have
>> FilterTableScanPredicatePushdownRule in our system which does exactly the
>> same thing.
>>>>>> On May 31, 2020, at 12:45 PM, Roman Kondakov
>> <kondako...@mail.ru.INVALID> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Vladimir,
>>>>>> thank you for sharing your point. Could you please clarify some
>> details
>>>>>> with a rulse-based index selection? You said
>>>>>>> the fundamental problem with "indexes as materialized
>>>>>>> views" approach is that you have to register them beforehand,
>> instead of
>>>>>>> using them only when needed.
>>>>>> I agree, it's kind of a problem. What is not clear for me with
>>>>>> IndexScanRule-based approach is how to decide when and which index
>> we
>>>>>> need? I understand that is is pretty easy to do in the case like
>> this:
>>>>>> Filter
>>>>>>  Scan
>>>>>> we can match the IndexScanRule on this pattern and do an index
>> lookup
>>>>>> using filter condition. But what to do in the more complex
>> scenarios?
>>>>>> Let's consider an example
>>>>>> SELECT * FROM A JOIN B ON A.a=B.b WHERE A.c > 100
>>>>>> where A.a, A.c and B.b are indexed fields. The logical plan for this
>>>>>> query might look like this:
>>>>>> LogicalJoin(A.a=B.b)
>>>>>>  LogicalFilter(A.c > 100)
>>>>>>    LogicalScan(A)
>>>>>>  LogicalScan(B)
>>>>>> as I understand (please correct me if I'm wrong), with the
>> rule-based
>>>>>> approach, after allpying IndexScanRule the plan will look like this:
>>>>>> LogicalJoin(A.a=B.b)
>>>>>>  PhysicalIndexScan(A.c, lower bound = 100)
>>>>>>  PhysicalTableScan(B)
>>>>>> But in this case we lose the possibility of using index scans over
>> A.a
>>>>>> and B.b and joining them with MergeJoin, which can be more efficient
>>>>>> plan in terms of the cost.
>>>>>> My question is: how rule-based approach handle this scenario? Will
>> it
>>>>>> re-apply IndexScanRule once again to produce PhysicalIndexScan(A.a)
>> and
>>>>>> PhysicalIndexScan(B.b)? Or am I missing the crucial point of a
>> rule-base
>>>>>> approach?
>>>>>> Thank you in advance!
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Kind Regards
>>>>>> Roman Kondakov
>>>>>> On 31.05.2020 21:39, Vladimir Ozerov wrote:
>>>>>>> As already mentioned, the fundamental problem with "indexes as
>> materialized
>>>>>>> views" approach is that you have to register them beforehand,
>> instead of
>>>>>>> using them only when needed. On the other hand, the complexity of
>> index
>>>>>>> planning comes from cost estimation and predicate splitting.
>>>>>>> Materializations cannot help you with that anyhow. This is why I
>> call this
>>>>>>> approach (not materialized views per se) "hacky" - you reuse
>> several simple
>>>>>>> parts of the Calcite infrastructure at the cost of loss in the
>> flexibility
>>>>>>> of the planner, while the most complicated parts still need to be
>>>>>>> implemented by hand.
>>>>>>> Materialized views could be a good fit e.g for partial indexes
>> because in
>>>>>>> this case, Calcite could help you with complex subsumption
>> mechanics. But
>>>>>>> for standard indexes, the pros/cons balance is not that obvious.
>>>>>>> вс, 31 мая 2020 г. в 19:28, xu <xuzh1...@gmail.com>:
>>>>>>>> Hi Tim,
>>>>>>>> I am working on MySQL InnoDB adapter and trying to introduce this
>> to
>>>>>>>> Calcite, currently it is only in early stage, and not
>> approved/reviewed by
>>>>>>>> committers yet. Anyway, we are facing the same problem like what
>> index to
>>>>>>>> use, how to push down order by operation, etc. I have developed a
>> simple
>>>>>>>> rule based adapter to be "index aware" and being able to leverage
>> a MySQL
>>>>>>>> InnoDB storage engine written in Java. Hope this will help you to
>> explore
>>>>>>>> more options.
>>>>>>>> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CALCITE-4034
>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>> Xu
>>>>>>>> Haisheng Yuan <hy...@apache.org> 于2020年5月31日周日 下午10:06写道:
>>>>>>>>> Hi Roman,
>>>>>>>>> Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
>>>>>>>>>> It can be very tricky because the rule should consider not
>>>>>>>>>> only filters, but also collations. This leads to increasing the
>>>>>>>>>> complexity of such rules.
>>>>>>>>> Logical transformation rules like
>> FilterTableScan2IndexTableScanRule
>>>>>>>>> should not consider physical properties, like collation,
>> distribution.
>>>>>>>> You
>>>>>>>>> forgot that we just reached consensus in CALCITE-3972. :)
>>>>>>>>> Regarding the 2nd option that uses index b, it is indeed not
>> that easy
>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>> Calcite 1.22.0. In latest version, it now becomes possible.
>> After rule
>>>>>>>>> transformation, during top-down trait request, the collation is
>> passed
>>>>>>>>> through Filter, down to physical TableScan, which accepts the
>> trait
>>>>>>>> request
>>>>>>>>> with collation on b, find there is an index on b, and return a
>> new
>>>>>>>> RelNode
>>>>>>>>> IndexScan. This process can be done in
>>>>>>>>> EnumerableTableScan#passThrough(required).
>>>>>>>>>> I hope, when the Cascades-style optimizer become a part of
>> Calcite, the
>>>>>>>>> search space
>>>>>>>>>> pollution will not be a serious issue anymore.
>>>>>>>>> I hope so too. Top-down style can help alleviate space pollution
>> by space
>>>>>>>>> pruning. But the space pollution caused by LogicalProject
>> operator and
>>>>>>>> its
>>>>>>>>> related rules still can't be avoided. :)
>>>>>>>>> Again, thanks for sharing your experience with us.
>>>>>>>>> Haisheng
>>>>>>>>> On 2020/05/31 09:58:36, Roman Kondakov
>> <kondako...@mail.ru.INVALID>
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi Haisheng,
>>>>>>>>>> The basic rationale behind the using materialized views for
>> secondary
>>>>>>>>>> index representation instead of special rules like mentioned
>>>>>>>>>> FilterTableScan2IndexTableScanRule is the simplicity of
>> implementation.
>>>>>>>>>> You are absolutely right that materialized views approach has an
>>>>>>>> obvious
>>>>>>>>>> drawback that it should register all indexes as materialized
>> views in
>>>>>>>>>> the optimizer's search space. But we expect our users will not
>> overuse
>>>>>>>>>> indexes because in general having too many indexes is a bad
>> practice:
>>>>>>>> on
>>>>>>>>>> each table update we also should update it's indexes and it can
>> cause
>>>>>>>>>> some performance degradation of the system as a whole, not only
>>>>>>>>>> optimizer. So we expect the number of indexes will be
>> relatively small.
>>>>>>>>>> Ignite uses indexes not only for index lookups, but also for
>> exploiting
>>>>>>>>>> it's sortedness. In this case materialized view's approach can
>> show
>>>>>>>> some
>>>>>>>>>> advantages. Let's consider the example:
>>>>>>>>>> SELECT * FROM foo WHERE a > 100 ORDER BY b;
>>>>>>>>>> where both fields 'a' and 'b' are indexed. In this case we will
>> have
>>>>>>>> two
>>>>>>>>>> alternatives of the query execution:
>>>>>>>>>> 1. Use index 'a' for index conditioned scan and then sort rows
>> by 'b'
>>>>>>>>>> 2. Use index scan over 'b' and then apply filter over 'a' -
>> here we can
>>>>>>>>>> avoid sorting, because index over 'b' is already sorted.
>>>>>>>>>> If I understand the approach with
>> FilterTableScan2IndexTableScanRule
>>>>>>>>>> correctly, at this step the rule should make a decision about
>> which
>>>>>>>>>> index to use. It can be very tricky because the rule should
>> consider
>>>>>>>> not
>>>>>>>>>> only filters, but also collations. This leads to increasing the
>>>>>>>>>> complexity of such rules. With materialized views approach we
>> just
>>>>>>>>>> register all indexes with their caollation and let the cost
>> model do
>>>>>>>> its
>>>>>>>>>> job. Our rules are very simple. The complexity is encapsulated
>> in the
>>>>>>>>>> index scan cost estimation.
>>>>>>>>>> As for your example with disjunctive predicate:
>>>>>>>>>>> SELECT * FROM foo WHERE a > 100 or b < 1000;
>>>>>>>>>> I think with materialized views approach we can do a complex
>> logic as
>>>>>>>>>> well. For example, we may implement a special rule for such
>> cases:
>>>>>>>>>> BitmapOrRule. Or, even better, we will rewrite such predicates
>> to a
>>>>>>>>>> UNION ALL clause. A very good explanation and a comparison of
>> both
>>>>>>>>>> approaches I've found in this Oracle's blog post [1].
>>>>>>>>>> As a conclusion: choosing between materialized views approach
>> and
>>>>>>>>>> IndexRule-based approach is a trade-off between complexity of
>>>>>>>>>> implementation and search space pollution. I hope, when the
>>>>>>>>>> Cascades-style optimizer become a part of Calcite, the search
>> space
>>>>>>>>>> pollution will not be a serious issue anymore.
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>>>>>>> [1]
>> https://blogs.oracle.com/optimizer/optimizer-transformations:-or-expansion
>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>> Kind Regards
>>>>>>>>>> Roman Kondakov
>>>>>>>>>> On 31.05.2020 07:31, Haisheng Yuan wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks Julian and Roman for sharing the experiences for
>> modeling
>>>>>>>>> indexes.
>>>>>>>>>>> Besides using materialized views, which is already proven by
>> Phoenix
>>>>>>>>> and Ignite, there is another approach, as mentioned by Vladimir,
>> define
>>>>>>>>> your own rules and indexscan operators.
>>>>>>>>>>> FilterTableScan2IndexScanRule and its variances, which match
>> Filter
>>>>>>>>> over TableScan, create an IndexScan if the table has
>> corresponding index
>>>>>>>> on
>>>>>>>>> the filter column. You don't have to register different
>> tablescans for
>>>>>>>> all
>>>>>>>>> the indexes, in case you have nearly thousands indexes for a
>> table, say
>>>>>>>>> 999, which is allowed in SQL Server 2016. It can also support
>> more
>>>>>>>> complex
>>>>>>>>> scenario, e.g.:
>>>>>>>>>>> SELECT * FROM foo WHERE a > 100 or b < 1000;
>>>>>>>>>>> If there is an index on column a, and another index on column
>> b, we
>>>>>>>>> may need to utilize both indexes, through Bitmap TableScan.
>>>>>>>>>>> Bitmap Table Scan on foo
>>>>>>>>>>>   ->  BitmapOR
>>>>>>>>>>>         ->  Bitmap Index Scan on foo_index_a
>>>>>>>>>>>               Index Condition: (a > 100)
>>>>>>>>>>>         ->  Bitmap Index Scan on foo_index_b
>>>>>>>>>>>               Index Condition: (b < 1000)
>>>>>>>>>>> But still, this approach requires some non-trivial work to do.
>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Roman, I believe you definitely have consulted both
>> approaches for
>>>>>>>>> Apache Ignite to work with indexes, you decided to go with
>> materialized
>>>>>>>>> views, there are some reasons and tradeoffs to consider behind
>> your
>>>>>>>>> decision. Do you mind sharing with us?
>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>> Haisheng
>>>>>>>>>>> On 2020/05/29 17:34:27, Julian Hyde <jh...@apache.org> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Materialized views are not a hack, as Vladimir claims.
>> Materialized
>>>>>>>>> views are a fundamental concept in relational algebra, and they
>> are an
>>>>>>>>> elegant way - in my opinion the correct way -  to model indexes
>> (and many
>>>>>>>>> other structures).
>>>>>>>>>>>> In Calcite materialized views are a feature in the planner
>> that
>>>>>>>>> allows you to declare a table as equivalent to a query. (You do
>> not need
>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>> issue a CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW statement. They are internal.)
>> Then you
>>>>>>>>> can use algebra to substitute one for the other, and apply
>> cost-based
>>>>>>>>> optimization to choose between plans with & without the
>> materialized
>>>>>>>> view.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Other people have used this approach in the past. Search this
>> list
>>>>>>>>> and you should find discussions. Also I have a talk with Maryann
>> Xue
>>>>>>>> about
>>>>>>>>> planning for indexes in Apache Phoenix[1].
>>>>>>>>>>>> Julian
>>>>>>>>>>>> [1]
>> https://www.slideshare.net/julianhyde/costbased-query-optimization-in-apache-phoenix-using-apache-calcite
>>>>>>>>> <
>> https://www.slideshare.net/julianhyde/costbased-query-optimization-in-apache-phoenix-using-apache-calcite
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On May 29, 2020, at 5:28 AM, Roman Kondakov
>>>>>>>>> <kondako...@mail.ru.INVALID> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Tim,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> In Apache Ignite we've already faced this challenge. We
>> solved it
>>>>>>>>> using
>>>>>>>>>>>>> materialized views and FilterableTable. Let's consider your
>>>>>>>> example:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> select * from users where country='UK' and
>>>>>>>> some_other_column='foo';
>>>>>>>>>>>>> with a primary index and a sorted secondary index (B+Tree?)
>> over
>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 'country' field.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> As a first step Ignite registers all indexes that might be
>> helpful
>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the query plan in VolcanoPlanner as materialized views. For
>> now we
>>>>>>>>>>>>> register all indexes in all tables that participate in the
>> query.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Registering all indexes might be excessive, but maybe we
>> will apply
>>>>>>>>> some
>>>>>>>>>>>>> pruning later. So it's ok for now to register all indexes.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Index materialized view is very simple: it's just a sorted
>> table
>>>>>>>>> scan:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 'SELECT * from tbl ORDER BY idx_fields'
>>>>>>>>>>>>> After registering indexes as materialized views, the
>> optimizer's
>>>>>>>>> search
>>>>>>>>>>>>> space will look like this:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Project([*])
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Filter[country='UK' and some_other_column='foo']
>>>>>>>>>>>>>   Set0
>>>>>>>>>>>>> where Set0 consists of table and index scans:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> TableScan('tbl', collation=[])
>>>>>>>>>>>>> IndexScan('PK', collation=[PK_field])
>>>>>>>>>>>>> IndexScan('country_idx', collation=[country])
>>>>>>>>>>>>> At this step we have our index scans registered in the
>> optimizer
>>>>>>>>> within
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the same equivalence set as a TableScan.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> The next step is a pushing filters down to the scans. We do
>> it
>>>>>>>> with a
>>>>>>>>>>>>> rule which is similar to 'FilterTableScanRule'. After
>> applying this
>>>>>>>>> rule
>>>>>>>>>>>>> we have a search space that is looking like this:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Project([*])
>>>>>>>>>>>>> TableScan('tbl', collation=[], filter=[country='UK' and
>>>>>>>>>>>>> some_other_column='foo'])
>>>>>>>>>>>>> IndexScan('PK', collation=[PK_field], filter=[country='UK'
>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>> some_other_column='foo'])
>>>>>>>>>>>>> IndexScan('country_idx', collation=[country],
>> filter=[country='UK'
>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>> some_other_column='foo'])
>>>>>>>>>>>>> And the final step is adjusting the cost model to make it
>> select
>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> scan with the lower cost which depends on the filter
>> conditions
>>>>>>>>> within
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the Scan. For example, full table scan with filters
>>>>>>>>>>>>> TableScan('tbl', collation=[], filter=[country='UK' and
>>>>>>>>>>>>> some_other_column='foo'])
>>>>>>>>>>>>> will cost, say, 100. Because it have to scan all rows and
>> then
>>>>>>>> filter
>>>>>>>>>>>>> out some set of them. On the other hand the index scan that
>> can do
>>>>>>>>> index
>>>>>>>>>>>>> lookup instead of full scan will have a less cost. For
>> example
>>>>>>>>>>>>> IndexScan('country_idx', collation=[country],
>> filter=[country='UK'
>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>> some_other_column='foo'])
>>>>>>>>>>>>> will have cost about ~10, or so because it has a good index
>>>>>>>> condition
>>>>>>>>>>>>> `country='UK'` which can be used for index lookup that that
>> returns
>>>>>>>>> only
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 10% of rows. And therefore this IndexScan should be chosen
>> as the
>>>>>>>>> best
>>>>>>>>>>>>> plan by the optimizer.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> We've recently implemented this approach in Apache Ignite
>> and it
>>>>>>>>> works
>>>>>>>>>>>>> well for us. You can find it in [1]. This PR has many
>> changes that
>>>>>>>>> are
>>>>>>>>>>>>> unrelated to the main topic. So particularly you can look at
>>>>>>>>>>>>> `IgnitePlanner.materializations()' method which registers
>> indexes
>>>>>>>> as
>>>>>>>>>>>>> materialized views and `IgniteTableScan` which performs
>> filter
>>>>>>>>>>>>> conditions assessment and index scan cost estimation.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> [1] https://github.com/apache/ignite/pull/7813
>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kind Regards
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Roman Kondakov
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 29.05.2020 11:44, Tim Fox wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm building a query engine with Calcite - really enjoying
>> working
>>>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Calcite so far!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> When creating a plan, it seems Calcite always creates a
>> plan where
>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sources are table scans, however in my implementation the
>> tables
>>>>>>>>> can have
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> indexes on them so a table scan is not always the right
>> choice.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I was wondering if there was any way of making Calcite
>> "index
>>>>>>>>> aware" - e.g.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> perhaps providing hints to the table scan instance that,
>> actually,
>>>>>>>>> an index
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> scan or a primary key lookup should be used instead of
>> actually
>>>>>>>>> scanning
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the table. E.g. On the table meta-data if we provided
>> information
>>>>>>>>> about any
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> indexes on the table, then Calcite could figure out what
>> parts of
>>>>>>>>> the query
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to push to the table scan and which to keep in the rest of
>> the
>>>>>>>> plan.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> There are two specific cases I really care about:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1. Queries that contain a primary key lookup:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> select * from some_table where key_column=23 AND
>>>>>>>>> some_other_column='foo';
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In the above case the 'select * from some_table where
>>>>>>>>> key_column=23' can be
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> implemented as a simple PK lookup in the source table, not
>>>>>>>>> requiring a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> scan, thus leaving just the filter corresponding to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 'some_other_column='foo'' in the rest of the plan
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2. Queries with expressions on a column which has a
>> secondary
>>>>>>>> index
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> select * from users where country='UK' and
>>>>>>>> some_other_column='foo';
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> We have many users, and let's say 10% of them are from UK
>> (still a
>>>>>>>>> lot). We
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have a secondary index in the country column in the source
>> table
>>>>>>>> so
>>>>>>>>> we can
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> do an efficient index scan to retrieve the matching records.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I found this document
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://calcite.apache.org/docs/materialized_views.html
>> which
>>>>>>>>> seems like it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> might help me in some way.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The idea being if I can think of my indexes as materialized
>> views
>>>>>>>>> then the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> query can be written against those materialized views as
>> sources
>>>>>>>>> instead of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the original table sources. There appears to be a rule
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 'MaterializedViewRule' that does this already (?).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This seems to get me a bit further, however, for this
>> approach to
>>>>>>>>> work, it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> seems I would have to create materialized views
>> _dynamically_
>>>>>>>> during
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> evaluation of the query, register them, rewrite the query,
>> execute
>>>>>>>>> it, then
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> deregister the materialized view.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> E.g. for the primary key lookup example above, for the
>> following
>>>>>>>>> query:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> select * from some_table where key_column=23 AND
>>>>>>>>> some_other_column='foo';
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I would need to dynamically create a materialized view
>>>>>>>>> corresponding to:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> select * from some_table where key_column=23
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Then rewrite the query using MaterializedViewRule.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In the general case, in order to figure out what
>> materialized
>>>>>>>> views
>>>>>>>>> I need
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to dynamically create I would need to examine the query,
>> figure
>>>>>>>> out
>>>>>>>>> which
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> columns in expressions have indexes on them and from them
>> work out
>>>>>>>>> the best
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> materialized view to create based on that information. This
>> seems
>>>>>>>>> non
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> trivial.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Does anyone have any suggestions or pointers for how to
>> implement
>>>>>>>>> this kind
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of thing? I suspect I'm not the first person to have tried
>> to do
>>>>>>>>> this, as
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> using indexes on tables seems a pretty common thing in many
>>>>>>>> systems
>>>>>>>>> (?)
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>>>> Xu

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