You can use the following command to publish jars to your local Maven 
repository. I hope it can help you.
 ./gradlew :core:publishToMavenLocal

Best regards

------------------ ???????? ------------------
??????:&nbsp;"Enrico Olivelli"<;;
????????:&nbsp;2020??7??3??(??????) ????10:15

????:&nbsp;Deploy Calcite to local Maven Repository

I am trying to build Calcite and put jars into local Maven repository

Usually this is easy with the Maven plugin

./gradlew install -x test

I am trying to add the 'maven' plugin to Gradle configuration but without

Is there any way to perform this task ?
I would like to test current HerdDB master against current Calcite master,
as probably Calcite 1.24 is going to be released soon

Best regards

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