On Wed, Feb 24, 2021 at 9:51 AM Ruben Q L <rube...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Honestly, I don't know the details. I just know that on our application we
> use "withIdentifierExpansion(true)", to avoid potential issues (I guess
> like the one you had).
> Several internal Calcite classes do the same, maybe someone with more
> experience on the SqlValidator could give more info.
> Regarding the SUBSTR issue, I was expecting that changing the
> CalciteConnectionConfig as:
>   CalciteConnectionConfig.DEFAULT
>     .set(CalciteConnectionProperty.CASE_SENSITIVE, "false")
>     .set(CalciteConnectionProperty.FUN, "oracle")
> would do the trick; but it seems it does not.
> Instead, what I think would work in your test would be leaving the
> CalciteConnectionConfig as you have it, and enlarge the
> SqlStdOperatorTable: instead of just
>   SqlStdOperatorTable.instance()
> use
>   SqlOperatorTables.chain(SqlStdOperatorTable.instance(),
> SqlLibraryOperatorTableFactory.INSTANCE.getOperatorTable(SqlLibrary.ORACLE))
> (or whatever SqlLibrary suits your needs). Could you verify it?

Unfortunately, the suggestion did not seem to work :(

I tried a) setting the FUN property, b) just using the chained operator
table and c) both of those together. I am continuing to look at various
Calcite unit tests etc to  see if I can spot any ideas. Meanwhile, any
other suggestions are welcome.


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