Hello Calcite Development Team!

I'm a software developer working on a project which includes Oracle SQL queries 
parsing and transformation, and I'm using Calcite's engine to accomplish some 
of my objectives.

I've been facing some issues regarding the parsing of SQL89 queries, more 
specifically the ones which use oracles outer join "(+)" syntax.

For instance, when trying to parse the query below into an SqlNode object:

from TAB1, TAB2
where TAB1.key = TAB2.key (+)

I would receive the following exception:

org.apache.calcite.sql.parser.impl.ParseException: Encountered ")" at line 3, 
column 26.

I could not find any references for this operations on calcite's forums and 
documentations, so I'm reaching out this mail list to clarify those errors.

Does Calcite currently support SQL89 outer join operations with (+) syntax? if 
not, is there any recommended workaround to process queries that use it?

Any feedbacks are welcome and thank you for your time.

Best Regards,

Igor Kimieciki

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