Yes, the error message is not good enough. Can you please log a bug? The error 
comes from org.apache.calcite.linq4j.tree.BinaryExpression, which I very much 
doubt happens at parse time. If you can add a test case, or a complete error 
stack, that would be appreciated. 

> On Aug 18, 2021, at 9:30 PM, Jariv Narup <> wrote:
> Hi Thomas,
>   That is my bad - a carry over from the debugging. However the error
> still persists even with the following query:
> *SELECT Purchase.Purchase_Date, Products.Product_Name FROM Purchase JOIN
> Products ON Purchase.Product_ID = Products.ID WHERE Purchase.Quantity > 10*
> This is what I see:
> *from: org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlNode  =
> {org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlJoin@2039} Method threw
> 'java.lang.RuntimeException' exception. Cannot evaluate
> org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlJoin.toString()* left:
> org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlNode  = {org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlIdentifier@2141}
> natural: org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlLiteral  =
> {org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlLiteral@2142} "FALSE"
> joinType: org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlLiteral  =
> {org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlLiteral@2143} "INNER"
> right: org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlNode  =
> {org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlIdentifier@2144} "PRODUCTS"
> conditionType: org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlLiteral  =
> {org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlLiteral@2145} "ON"
> condition: org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlNode  =
> {org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlBasicCall@2146} "`PURCHASE`.`PRODUCT_ID` =
> pos: org.apache.calcite.sql.parser.SqlParserPos  =
> {org.apache.calcite.sql.parser.SqlParserPos@2147} "line 1, column 68"
> That said, a more directed error text might definitely be more helpful.
> Regards,
> Viraj Purang
> On Tue, Aug 17, 2021 at 1:27 AM Thomas Rebele <> wrote:
>> Hi Jariv,
>> are you sure you want to join two columns of Purchase: *Purchase.Product_ID
>> = Purchase.ID*?
>> If that's the cause of the exception, the error message could be improved.
>> Cordialement / Best Regards,
>> *Thomas Rebele, PhD* | R&D Developer | Germany |
>> On Mon, Aug 16, 2021 at 10:58 PM Jariv Narup <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Team,
>>>   I am getting the following exception while trying to parse a SQL
>>> statement into its tokens. Is this expected behavior? If not, what would
>>> you suggest to work around this problem. The particulars are given below:
>>> *Issue:*
>>> *Method threw 'java.lang.RuntimeException' exception. Cannot evaluate
>>> org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlJoin.toString().*
>>> *Where:*
>>> This happens when I use the following API (it is visible on the "from"
>>> value):
>>>        SqlParser.Config parserConfig = SqlParser.config();
>>>        parserConfig
>>>                .withCaseSensitive(false)
>>>                .withLex(Lex.ORACLE);
>>>        SqlParser parser = SqlParser.create(sqlString, parserConfig);
>>>>>> [Line with the issue]        *SqlNode sqlNode = parser.parseStmt();*
>>> *Debugger Image:*
>>> [image: image.png]
>>> *Version In Use:*
>>> I am using the following maven GAVs
>>> -org.apache.calcite:calcite-babel:1.27.0, so my assumption is that I am at
>>> the latest.
>>> *SQL Statement with the issue:*
>>> *SELECT Purchase.Purchase_Date, Products.Product_Name FROM Purchase JOIN
>>> Products ON Purchase.Product_ID = Purchase.ID WHERE Purchase.Quantity > 10*
>>> I would appreciate any help on this.
>>> Thanks - Jariv

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