+1 for tests in different time zones. And also tests with different Guava 
versions. In fact I’m working on it: see 
<https://github.com/julianhyde/calcite-avatica/commits/stage> and 

-1 for randomized testing as part of CI. CI should be deterministic. So that if 
it breaks, the person to fix it is clear: it’s generally the last person who 
changed something.

I support randomized testing via scripts. People can run the script for a 
couple of hours and log any bugs it uncovers. We already have several such 
scripts in Calcite (e.g. rex fuzz testing).


> On Oct 1, 2021, at 3:28 AM, Alessandro Solimando 
> <alessandro.solima...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks Vladimir for the proposal.
> +1 frome me, there are more and more "axes" for testing (OS, locale, JVM,
> timezone, etc.), a randomized approach sounds like a good solution to tame
> the combinatorial explosion.
> Best regards,
> Alessandro
> On Fri, 1 Oct 2021 at 08:32, Vladimir Sitnikov <sitnikov.vladi...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>>> Of course it would be fine to just change the timezone for one of more
>>> existing tests which are targeting different JVM versions
>> Alessandro, team, what do you think of
>> https://github.com/vlsi/github-actions-random-matrix ?
>> I'm kind of hesitant to introduce more and more /vlsi/ dependencies even
>> though I believe they are the best tools available :)
>> random-matix is a 200 line script that generates build matrix by selecting
>> random values for the axes (e.g. jvm version, os, guava version, etc).
>> Vladimir

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