Those guidelines sound good to me.

Somewhat off-topic, but I think your characterization of recruiting as
a zero sum game misses out on the candidate. Presumably a candidate
takes a new position because they benefit in some way. That said, if
someone really wants to find good candidates, having an engineer reach
out on a dev mailing list seems more appropriate than getting a
recruiter to do it.

Michael Mior

Le ven. 29 oct. 2021 à 13:48, Julian Hyde <> a écrit :
> I think Apache has some kind of policy on this, but I couldn’t find a link.
> It’s a difficult question. If a company making a big investment in Calcite 
> (say rewriting their engine’s query optimizer) then it is good for Calcite if 
> someone is able to get a full-time job working on it. But we don’t want the 
> lists to fill up with spam job postings where SQL is one of twenty skills and 
> the person will probably end up writing JavaScript.
> There's a continuum between those points, I can’t find a simple way to draw a 
> line between “good” and “bad". Here are some guidelines that might work:
>  * Jobs must be primarily working on Calcite
>  * We prefer posts by people who have merit in our community
>  * Absolutely no posts by recruiters
> In my opinion, software recruiting is often a zero-sum game (when company X 
> lures an employee from company Y, X wins and Y loses, and the recruiters take 
> a slice). I don’t want to make that merry-go-round spin any faster. A “win” 
> for Calcite would be when somebody moves from a job where they use Calcite 
> part-time to a higher paying job where they use Calcite full-time. Our 
> mailing list should enable those kinds of wins.
> Julian
> > On Oct 29, 2021, at 8:28 AM, Andrei Sereda <> wrote:
> >
> > Hello,
> >
> > I wanted to ask what members of this list think about receiving / posting
> > job opportunities (related to query optimisation / database engine) to
> > calcite-dev ?
> >
> > Is it an appropriate usage of the dev@ list ? Should one use a different
> > channel ?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Andrei.

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