+0 to migrate to GH issues

I haven't found navigating JIRA + GitHub PRs to be a significant
problem, but if others think it would help, I'm for it. One question
when it comes to migration: are comments and everything transferred
using the ASF-linked GH account? That is, my JIRA account is mmior,
but my GitHub is michaelmior. Since I have this GH account linked to
my ASF account, will my GH comments end up as coming from

Michael Mior

Le dim. 28 nov. 2021 à 11:43, Vladimir Sitnikov
<sitnikov.vladi...@gmail.com> a écrit :
> Hi,
> What do you think of moving to GitHub Issues for Calcite?
> Currently, my (Calcite) development workflow focuses on pull requests.
> That is all contributions I see come via pull requests.
> At the same time, issues are hosted in JIRA, which creates friction: PR
> merging requires changes to both GitHub and JIRA.
> I guess it would be easier if issue management was in GitHub as well.
> Then, I believe, co-locating issues and PRs would make external
> contributions easier.
> The links between Issues and PRs would be easier to navigate.
> There's a possibility to enable GitHub discussions as well (see
> https://github.com/apache/airflow/discussions ).
> Co-locating Issues, and Discussions look promising.
> I think it is not that painful, however, GitHub has a limitation of 20
> collaborators (non-committers who want to assign, edit, close issues, and
> pull requests):
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/INFRA/Git+-+.asf.yaml+features#Git.asf.yamlfeatures-AssigningexternalcollaboratorswiththetriageroleonGitHub
> I have no strong opinion, however, I just realized having issues in GitHub
> would ease friction.
> Any thoughts?
> Just to gather opinion:
> -1..+1 keep using ASF JIRA for issue management
> -1..+1 migrate to GitHub Issues
> Here's my vote:
> +0.5 keep using ASF JIRA for issue management. It more-or-less works,
> however, merging PRs and navigating from PR to issue is far from perfect.
> +1 migrate to GitHub Issues. It would simplify navigation between issues
> and PRs, and I believe it would reduce friction for external contributors.
> In theory, GitHub Issues can be automated with Actions (e.g. labels). I'm
> not sure if we need that, however, it might be useful.
> Vladimir

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