Thanks for the prompt reply, Jacques. I’ll explore your suggestions and let you 
know what I find.

> On Dec 2, 2021, at 1:33 PM, Jacques Nadeau <> wrote:
> Hey Julian,
> To me, there are currently three avenues I envisioned for extension project
> use:
> 1. Use the Immutable project or similar alternatives (e.g. [1])
> 2. Write a concrete class that implements the declared interface.
> 3. Use a record metaphor appropriate to the environment you're in that
> implements the interface (Record in java 14+, Data class in Kotlin, etc)
> There is a fourth option, which is extending Immutable generated
> code. Because Immutables was new in 1.28, I wanted to avoid introducing new
> surface area directly related to the Immutables compiler/compiled class and
> thus made all the implementations package private [1]. I felt this was
> safer than introducing these directly but if we feel like that is something
> we should expose, it would be a relatively straightforward change. Note
> that the current pattern is only producing code for concrete subclasses of
> RelRule.Config for specific rules, not the generic RelRule.Config which is
> only an abstract interface.
> Given your constraints, I would explore #2 or #3 (and would love to hear
> feedback on #4).
> One other question that comes to mind is that is this a pain more in
> specifically the concept of new direct subclasses of RelRule.Config or
> subclasses of other concrete rule config subclasses.
> [1]
> [2]
> On Thu, Dec 2, 2021 at 12:20 PM Julian Hyde <> wrote:
>> I’m trying to write a planner rule in a dependent project. (What what it’s
>> worth, the project is not open source, and is implemented in Kotlin.) I
>> don’t want to make the dependent project depend on the Immutables library,
>> because that introduces an annotation processor and might destabilize our
>> build.
>> I need to implement RelRule.Config in order to override the toRule method
>> to create an instance of my rule. But as RelRule.Config uses Immutables, it
>> does not have an implementation that I can subclass.
>> Has anyone else run into this problem?
>> Julian

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