Hi Xiong,
Congratulations to be a committer of Calcite.

I'm not a Calcite committer. However I could share the PR merge workflow
which I get from a PMC member of Apache Flink community. Maybe it could
help you.

1. get the PR in your local repository
> git fetch xxxx pull/yyyy/head:zzzz

xxxx is the name of the remote for Flink's Github mirror (not ASF)

yyyy is the PR number

zzzz is the branch name

2. Squash all commits of the PR into one commit
> git rebase -i HEAD~xxxx

xxxx is the number of commits

3. Adapt the commit message
This closes #ZZZZ

XXXX is the JIRA id

yyyy is the commit message

ZZZZ is the PR number (will be automatically closed when the PR is merged)

4. Rebase to the current master

5. Push into my remote Github repository, which will build the branch and
run tests.

6. If everything is green (possibly rerun failed tests) merge the PR

> git checkout master

> git merge xxxx

> git push yyyy master

xxxx is the branch with the commit to merge

yyyy is the remote for the ASF Flink repository.


Jing Zhang

Julian Hyde <jhyde.apa...@gmail.com> 于2021年12月3日周五 09:47写道:

> Did you search for an answer before posting this question? What did you
> find?
> > On Dec 2, 2021, at 5:24 PM, xiong duan <nobigo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > Hi, PMC and Committers. As a newcomer, I have one problem want to know.
> >
> > Do we have a procedure about The Committer how to merge a PR correctly?
> >
> > Every time I merge the PR, I always worried whether have a wrong step. So
> > If have the standard procedure, It will be very helpful.

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