Hi Calcite community members,

It has been 6 years since Calcite graduated to a top level Apache project.
I am so excited to witness how vivid the community has become and how far
we have come.

We have seen 2 releases so far for Calcite this year (with another release
v1.29.0 ongoing), with each release containing a large amount of changes.
Specifically, there are many new features introduced: the InnoDB Adaptor,
three-value logic for SEARCH operator, Enumerable MergeUnion operator, the
UNIQUE sub-query predicate... as well as the improvements to materialized
view recognition. We won't see Calcite's continuous improvements without
the community members' collaboration and dedication.

In terms of Calcite Avatica, we had 2 releases for Avatica and 0 releases
for Avatica Go.  Avatica consistently has fewer contributors and pull
requests than Calcite, maybe because it has fewer users and the code hasn't
changed aggressively. But more contributors and code reviewers are highly
welcome and appreciated.

I am glad to see that we had several technical meetups, not to mention at
ApacheCon and StangeLoop, to talk about the use cases and improvements that
we have done to Calcite. Many thanks to those who presented talks to give
more people opportunities to know and use Calcite, and more importantly, to
enrich the Calcite community.

It's been a great privilege to be able to serve as Calcite's PMC chair in
2021. It's also been a big learning experience for me and I am grateful to
those who trusted me and helped me in the journey. I am also extremely
proud of having this opportunity to work with Calcite contributors and

Last but not least, we need to discuss who should be the new PMC chair of
Calcite after I step down in December. I would like to nominate Ruben
Quesada Lopez as the first candidate in the vote. Ruben has been a great
contributor to the project. He has shown a lot of care for the Calcite
project and the community, which I feel would make him a great PMC chair.

To repeat questions from previous years:
1) What else are we doing well in the project?
2) What areas do we need to do better?

Please take some time to share your thoughts!


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