Not really; space-filling curves are rather technical. What I’d do is what 
Stamatis has already done: log a PR 

> On Dec 30, 2021, at 4:40 PM, Scott Reynolds <> wrote:
> When I was dealing with Log4j, I discovered uzaygezen-core is pretty old
> and pulls in log4j1.x:
> But doesn't actually use log4j (
> For our project, I
> excluded log4j1.x from this dependency (
> This is an example of dependency we could replace with our own
> implementation?
> On Thu, Dec 30, 2021 at 3:55 PM Julian Hyde <> wrote:
>> Regarding dependencies. Here are the runtime dependencies from
>> core/build.gradle.kts (ignoring test and annotation libraries):
>> * api("com.esri.geometry:esri-geometry-api")
>> * api("com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-annotations")
>> * api("")
>> * api("org.apache.calcite.avatica:avatica-core")
>> * api("org.slf4j:slf4j-api")
>> * implementation("com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-core")
>> * implementation("com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-databind")
>> *
>> implementation("com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat:jackson-dataformat-yaml")
>> * implementation("")
>> * implementation("com.jayway.jsonpath:json-path")
>> * implementation("")
>> * implementation("commons-codec:commons-codec")
>> * implementation("net.hydromatic:aggdesigner-algorithm")
>> * implementation("org.apache.commons:commons-dbcp2")
>> * implementation("org.apache.commons:commons-lang3")
>> * implementation("commons-io:commons-io")
>> * implementation("org.codehaus.janino:commons-compiler")
>> * implementation("org.codehaus.janino:janino")
>> A few libraries are used only for a narrow range of functionality:
>> * esri-geometry and uzaygezen-core are used by geospatial functions;
>> * sketches-core is used by the HLL aggregate functions;
>> * json-path is used by some JSON functions;
>> * jackson-core, jackson-databind, jackson-dataformat-yaml are used to
>> load models, and to serialize RelNodes to and from JSON;
>> * commons-lang3, commons-codec, commons-io are probably only used in one
>> or two places each;
>> * aggdesigner-algotihm is used for recommending materialized views.
>> So, the easiest way to reduce dependencies would be to make certain
>> classes of SQL functions optional (i.e. move them out of core).
>> Julian
>>> On Dec 29, 2021, at 1:30 PM, Jacques Nadeau <> wrote:
>>> WRT SBOM (Julian): My general experience is that most large orgs use
>>> scanners now (either open or closed) and they will scan whether you have
>> a
>>> bill of materials or not. I wouldn't worry about adding something
>>> additional.
>>> WRT too many dependencies (Gunnar): I completely agree with the general
>>> feeling of too many (and with Guava, jackson less so). I think the core
>>> challenge (no pun intended) is that calcite-core is really a lot of
>>> different components. For example, I have frequently wished that parser,
>>> planner and enumerable were separate modules. And if they were, I'd guess
>>> that each would have a narrower dependency range. I've also wished many
>>> times that runtime compilation was an optional addon as opposed to
>>> required/coupled in the core...
>>> When I've thought about how to dissect in the past, I think the big
>>> challenge would be tests, where things are sometimes mixed together.
>>> Breaking change possibilities could be at least somewhat mitigated by
>>> moving classes but not packages.
>>> On Wed, Dec 29, 2021 at 1:51 AM Gunnar Morling
>>> <> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> In a way, Calcite's build configuration as well as the published POM
>> could
>>>> be considered as such an SBOM? In particular when looking at the latter
>>>> through services like mvnrepository [1], you get quite a good view on
>> the
>>>> dependency versions, licenses, any potential CVEs, etc. I think this
>> should
>>>> satisfy most user needs around this? Or are you referring to the notion
>> of
>>>> Maven BOM POMs specifically [2], i.e. the notion of publishing a POM
>> with
>>>> all the Calcite component versions which people can then use with
>> Maven's
>>>> import scope (there should be something comparable for Gradle)? If so,
>> that
>>>> could be useful for users working with multiple Calcite components,
>> though
>>>> I think the usability improvement provided by such BOM POM wouldn't be
>>>> huge.
>>>> I wanted to bring up a related matter though. Coming to Calcite as a
>> user
>>>> just recently (loving the possibilities it provides!), I was surprised
>> by
>>>> the large number of dependencies of the project. It looks like 1.29
>>>> improves that a little bit (no more kotlin-stdlib, no more transitive
>>>> dependency to log4j 1.x), but the transitive hull of all dependencies of
>>>> calcite-core still is quite big. I lack insight about what the different
>>>> dependencies are used for; but as an application developer, Guava for
>>>> instance is a dependency which I'd prefer to not get pushed onto the
>>>> classpath transitively. Jackson is another heavy one; depending on how
>> it's
>>>> used, perhaps this could be pushed into some separate module which users
>>>> could optionally  pull in? That'd help to avoid having it around when
>> users
>>>> work with other JSON libs themselves and don't require JSON support in
>>>> Calcite.
>>>> From a supply chain perspective, the less transitive dependencies a
>> library
>>>> like Calcite introduces to my project, the better IMHO. Less potential
>> for
>>>> version conflicts with my own (or other transitive) dependencies, and
>> also
>>>> less potential for introducing CVEs to the dependency graph, as e.g. in
>> the
>>>> case of the Guava version currently used by Calcite; I suppose it does
>> not
>>>> impact the usage in Calcite, but these things tend to be tricky to
>> reason
>>>> about, and typical CVE reporting tooling will now create a warning for a
>>>> project using Calcite, no matter whether that specific issue actually
>> is a
>>>> problem or not.
>>>> Best,
>>>> --Gunnar
>>>> [1]
>>>> [2]
>>>> Am Mi., 29. Dez. 2021 um 02:27 Uhr schrieb Julian Hyde <
>>>>> In the wake of the log4j CVEs [1], people are asking how to improve the
>>>>> security of open source projects, and one idea is to provide a SBOM
>>>>> (Software Bill of Materials) [2] along with each release.
>>>>> I had not heard of SBOM until a couple of days ago. Is anyone on this
>>>> list
>>>>> familiar with SBOMs and their use? Should Calcite be providing an SBOM?
>>>> Are
>>>>> people aware of SBOM initiatives in other projects? What, in your
>>>> opinion,
>>>>> is the priority of this issue?
>>>>> Julian
>>>>> [1]
>>>>> [2]

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