
awesome work!

I was on a similar quest a while ago, and went “full circle" on SQL :-)…

I was feeling like I am re-implementing SQL with another syntax… a syntax that 
very few people will be familiar with… unlike with SQL…
But everyone will have their own use cases and tradeoffs.

Here is a demo of how I went  ahead to use SQL together with REST-ful resources: 



> On Jan 24, 2022, at 9:51 AM, Gavin Ray <> wrote:
> Thank you Stamatis and Walaa!
> I believe it's only been possible because of the great community around
> Calcite =)
> And actually, Walaa was of much help when I was researching the idea.
> He talked with me a bit on the Coral slack and pointed me towards some good
> resources + shared experiences.
> Coral is one of the projects I took inspiration from, along with
> Dremio/Trino cited in the readme.
> On this topic -- could it make sense to form a Calcite "Special Interest
> Group" for GraphQL-on-Calcite, open to whoever is interested?
> It could be good to share ideas and try to prevent doing the same
> work/making mistakes that others have already learned from.
> For instance, I have designed the GraphQL layer I am building to be
> customizable/extendable via "Conventions"
> A "Convention" allows you to configure the naming of the API operators and
> to register which operations you support.
> This way, I can call my operations IE "_and", "_or", but someone else may
> want to call them "AND" and "OR"
> Or perhaps someone wants to support other binary operators/special
> operators that aren't part of the most common ones. Then they can extend
> the base operators and add their own.
> On Sun, Jan 23, 2022 at 10:53 PM Walaa Eldin Moustafa <>
> wrote:
>> Nice article indeed. In Coral [1], we have simplified this process to the
>> end user where those steps can be done through implementing a small number
>> of abstract methods, listed here [2].
>> [1]
>> [2]
>> On Sun, Jan 23, 2022 at 12:59 PM Stamatis Zampetakis <>
>> wrote:
>>> Thanks for sharing this Gavin, very nice article!
>>> On Sun, Jan 23, 2022 at 7:00 PM Gavin Ray <> wrote:
>>>> I thought that someone else might find it useful, since there was no
>>>> existing guide covering building new frontends.
>>>> It looks best on Jetbrains Datalore, but you can also view it using the
>>>> ".ipynb" in the Github repo:

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