Thanks again Liya Fan for being the release manager in this
particularly arduous one.

My vote is: +1 (binding)

- Checksum and signature: ok
- Gradle test: ok (including the problematic one in isolation)
- Calcite-based application test suite: ok


On Wed, Mar 16, 2022 at 5:01 AM Francis Chuang <>

> Thanks, Liya!
> My vote is: +1 (binding)
> - Verified GPG signature - OK
> - Verified SHA512 - OK
> - Checked release notes on tag
> (
> - OK
> - Ran tests (gradle check) - OK
> - Ran failing test in rc2 (gradle cleanTest :core:test --tests
> SqlTypeFactoryTest.testUnknownCreateWithNullabilityTypeConsistency) - OK
> - Spot checked Nexus artifacts - OK
> Environment:
> Gradle 7.4.1 docker container in WSL2 (Ubuntu 20.04) on Windows 10 21h2
>  > docker version
> Client: Docker Engine - Community
>   Cloud integration: v1.0.22
>   Version:           20.10.13
>   API version:       1.41
>   Go version:        go1.16.15
>   Git commit:        a224086
>   Built:             Thu Mar 10 14:08:15 2022
>   OS/Arch:           linux/amd64
>   Context:           default
>   Experimental:      true
> Server: Docker Desktop
>   Engine:
>    Version:          20.10.13
>    API version:      1.41 (minimum version 1.12)
>    Go version:       go1.16.15
>    Git commit:       906f57f
>    Built:            Thu Mar 10 14:06:05 2022
>    OS/Arch:          linux/amd64
>    Experimental:     false
>   containerd:
>    Version:          1.5.10
>    GitCommit:        2a1d4dbdb2a1030dc5b01e96fb110a9d9f150ecc
>   runc:
>    Version:          1.0.3
>    GitCommit:        v1.0.3-0-gf46b6ba
>   docker-init:
>    Version:          0.19.0
>    GitCommit:        de40ad0
>  > gradle -v
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> Gradle 7.4.1
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> Build time:   2022-03-09 15:04:47 UTC
> Revision:     36dc52588e09b4b72f2010bc07599e0ee0434e2e
> Kotlin:       1.5.31
> Groovy:       3.0.9
> Ant:          Apache Ant(TM) version 1.10.11 compiled on July 10 2021
> JVM:          17.0.2 (Eclipse Adoptium 17.0.2+8)
> OS:           Linux amd64
>  > java -version
> openjdk version "17.0.2" 2022-01-18
> OpenJDK Runtime Environment Temurin-17.0.2+8 (build 17.0.2+8)
> OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM Temurin-17.0.2+8 (build 17.0.2+8, mixed mode,
> sharing)
> Francis
> On 16/03/2022 2:36 pm, Fan Liya wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I have created a build for Apache Calcite 1.30.0, release
> > candidate 3.
> >
> > Thanks to everyone who has contributed to this release.
> >
> > You can read the release notes here:
> >
> >
> > The commit to be voted upon:
> >
> >
> > Its hash is cd5229b9a371e20de207231d55bcbddf1ff39ec2
> >
> > Tag:
> >
> >
> > The artifacts to be voted on are located here:
> >
> > (revision 53122)
> >
> > The hashes of the artifacts are as follows:
> >
> 6c9f65bcc75a05c226dbb0a74495e76761d738f6923086e2943fface1b8864697dff6d0de7aa0cb9b06f4f6aebe1322b5ecb829428f84d08c51dfb5773034040
> > *apache-calcite-1.30.0-src.tar.gz
> >
> > A staged Maven repository is available for review at:
> >
> >
> > Release artifacts are signed with the following key:
> >
> >
> >
> > To create the jars and test Apache Calcite: "gradle build"
> > (requires an appropriate Gradle/JDK installation)
> >
> > Please vote on releasing this package as Apache Calcite 1.30.0.
> >
> > The vote is open for the next 72 hours and passes if a majority of at
> > least three +1 PMC votes are cast.
> >
> > [ ] +1 Release this package as Apache Calcite 1.30.0
> > [ ]  0 I don't feel strongly about it, but I'm okay with the release
> > [ ] -1 Do not release this package because...
> >
> > Here is my vote:
> >
> > +1 (non-binding)
> >
> > Best,
> > Liya Fan
> >

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