I am working on https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CALCITE-5126. When I
was writing tests for this task I faced with issue that reproducible in
main branch as well.

I tried to execute the following query using unnest.iq file

FROM (SELECT ARRAY[1,2,3] as x) s;

Calcite generated the following plan:

EnumerableProject(EXPR$0=[$1]): rowcount = 1.0, cumulative cost = {14.0
rows, 12.0 cpu, 0.0 io}, id = 98

  EnumerableCorrelate(correlation=[$cor0], joinType=[inner],
requiredColumns=[{0}]): rowcount = 1.0, cumulative cost = {13.0 rows, 11.0
cpu, 0.0 io}, id = 97

    EnumerableValues(tuples=[[{ 0 }]]): rowcount = 1.0, cumulative cost =
{1.0 rows, 1.0 cpu, 0.0 io}, id = 79

    EnumerableCollect(field=[x]): rowcount = 1.0, cumulative cost = {5.0
rows, 5.0 cpu, 0.0 io}, id = 96

      EnumerableProject(EXPR$0=[+($0, 1)]): rowcount = 1.0, cumulative cost
= {4.0 rows, 4.0 cpu, 0.0 io}, id = 95

        EnumerableUncollect: rowcount = 1.0, cumulative cost = {3.0 rows,
3.0 cpu, 0.0 io}, id = 94

          EnumerableProject(X=[$cor0.X]): rowcount = 1.0, cumulative cost =
{2.0 rows, 2.0 cpu, 0.0 io}, id = 93

            EnumerableValues(tuples=[[{ 0 }]]): rowcount = 1.0, cumulative
cost = {1.0 rows, 1.0 cpu, 0.0 io}, id = 79

It is a completely wrong plan. It does not use ARRAY[1,2,3] at all and code
fails with error:
Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException: class java.lang.Integer cannot be
cast to class java.util.List (java.lang.Integer and java.util.List are in
module java.base of loader 'bootstrap')

Maybe someone knows how to fastly fix this?

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