Thanks for your advice. My mock table inherits AbstractTable, so there is no 
convert. I solved the problem according to your suggestion.

BTW:I tried to add DDL statements and create a custom table (which inherits 
AbstractTable). However, it is obvious that some rules cannot be converted when 
CBO is started. Can you help provide some suggestions? Thank you very much!

发件人:"Benchao Li" <>
发送时间:2022-06-25 20:56:00 (星期六)
主题: Re: Looking for help: There are not enough rules to produce a node with 
desired properties

hi 丰斌,

The exception message has told you the reason:
Missing conversion is LogicalTableScan[convention: NONE -> ENUMERABLE]

This is mostly because your `MyRelOptSchema` returns a `Table` that cannot
be transformed to Enumerable Convention. You can refer the code[1] to 
see why your Table cannot satisfy the requirements.


Julian Hyde <> 于2022年6月25日周六 00:40写道:

I had to moderate your message. Can you subscribe to the list so that you 
receive updates.


> On Jun 24, 2022, at 09:37, 方丰斌 <> wrote:
> Hey all,
>    I'm trying to use VolcanoPlanner. I have encountered the following 
> problems. I hope I can ask for some help. Thank you very much!
>    Test code:
> `````
>        VolcanoPlanner planner = new VolcanoPlanner();
>        planner.addRelTraitDef(ConventionTraitDef.INSTANCE);
>        // Below two lines are important for the planner to use collation 
> trait and generate merge join
>        planner.addRelTraitDef(RelCollationTraitDef.INSTANCE);
>        planner.registerAbstractRelationalRules();
>        planner.addRule(EnumerableRules.ENUMERABLE_TABLE_SCAN_RULE);
>        planner.addRule(EnumerableRules.ENUMERABLE_PROJECT_RULE);
>        planner.addRule(CoreRules.PROJECT_TABLE_SCAN);
>        RelOptCluster cluster = newCluster(planner);
>        // NOTE:I mock x MyRelOptSchema to ensure that the SQL verification is 
> successful.
>        MyRelOptSchema relOptSchema = new MyRelOptSchema();
>        RelBuilder relBuilder = RelFactories.LOGICAL_BUILDER.create(cluster, 
> relOptSchema);
>        RelNode logicalPlan = relBuilder
>                .scan("t1")
>                .project(relBuilder.field("attr1"))
>                .build();
>        RelTraitSet desiredTraits =
>                cluster.traitSet().replace(EnumerableConvention.INSTANCE);
>        final RelNode newRoot = planner.changeTraits(logicalPlan, 
> desiredTraits);
>        planner.setRoot(newRoot);
>        RelNode bestExp = planner.findBestExp();
>        System.out.println("Plan is: " + RelOptUtil.toString(bestExp));
> ```
>    The exception is:
> ```
> org.apache.calcite.plan.RelOptPlanner$CannotPlanException: There are not 
> enough rules to produce a node with desired properties: 
> convention=ENUMERABLE, sort=[].
> Missing conversion is LogicalTableScan[convention: NONE -> ENUMERABLE]
> There is 1 empty subset: rel#7:RelSubset#0.ENUMERABLE.[], the relevant part 
> of the original plan is as follows
> 0:LogicalTableScan(table=[[t1]])
> Root: rel#5:RelSubset#1.ENUMERABLE.[]
> Original rel:
> LogicalProject(subset=[rel#5:RelSubset#1.ENUMERABLE.[]], attr1=[$0]): 
> rowcount = 1.0, cumulative cost = {1.0 rows, 1.0 cpu, 0.0 io}, id = 3
>  LogicalTableScan(subset=[rel#2:RelSubset#0.NONE.[]], table=[[t1]]): rowcount 
> = 1.0, cumulative cost = {0.0 rows, 1.0 cpu, 0.0 io}, id = 0
> Sets:
> Set#0, type: com.dipeak.disql.query.SimpleSqlTest$MyRelOptSchema$1@67f77f6e
> rel#2:RelSubset#0.NONE.[], best=null
> rel#0:LogicalTableScan.NONE.[](table=[t1]), rowcount=1.0, cumulative 
> cost={inf}
> rel#7:RelSubset#0.ENUMERABLE.[], best=null
> Set#1, type: RecordType(INTEGER attr1)
> rel#4:RelSubset#1.NONE.[], best=null
> rel#3:LogicalProject.NONE.[](input=RelSubset#2,inputs=0), rowcount=1.0, 
> cumulative cost={inf}
> rel#5:RelSubset#1.ENUMERABLE.[], best=null
> rel#6:AbstractConverter.ENUMERABLE.[](input=RelSubset#4,convention=ENUMERABLE,sort=[]),
>  rowcount=1.0, cumulative cost={inf}
> rel#8:EnumerableProject.ENUMERABLE.[](input=RelSubset#7,inputs=0), 
> rowcount=1.0, cumulative cost={inf}
> Graphviz:
> digraph G {
> root [style=filled,label="Root"];
> subgraph cluster0{
> label="Set 0 com.dipeak.disql.query.SimpleSqlTest$MyRelOptSchema$1@67f77f6e";
> rel0 [label="rel#0:LogicalTableScan\ntable=[t1]\nrows=1.0, 
> cost={inf}",shape=box]
> subset2 [label="rel#2:RelSubset#0.NONE.[]"]
> subset7 [label="rel#7:RelSubset#0.ENUMERABLE.[]",color=red]
> }
> subgraph cluster1{
> label="Set 1 RecordType(INTEGER attr1)";
> rel3 [label="rel#3:LogicalProject\ninput=RelSubset#2,inputs=0\nrows=1.0, 
> cost={inf}",shape=box]
> rel6 
> [label="rel#6:AbstractConverter\ninput=RelSubset#4,convention=ENUMERABLE,sort=[]\nrows=1.0,
>  cost={inf}",shape=box]
> rel8 [label="rel#8:EnumerableProject\ninput=RelSubset#7,inputs=0\nrows=1.0, 
> cost={inf}",shape=box]
> subset4 [label="rel#4:RelSubset#1.NONE.[]"]
> subset5 [label="rel#5:RelSubset#1.ENUMERABLE.[]"]
> }
> root -> subset5;
> subset2 -> rel0;
> subset4 -> rel3; rel3 -> subset2;
> subset5 -> rel6; rel6 -> subset4;
> subset5 -> rel8; rel8 -> subset7;
> }
> at 
> org.apache.calcite.plan.volcano.RelSubset$CheapestPlanReplacer.visit(
> at 
> org.apache.calcite.plan.volcano.RelSubset.buildCheapestPlan(
> at 
> org.apache.calcite.plan.volcano.VolcanoPlanner.findBestExp(
> ```


Benchao Li

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