DATETIME is a type family, not a type. (Yeah, I know that some databases have a 
DATETIME type, but the SQL standard doesn’t.)

I don’t know all the details, but I recall that a type family is used as a 
shorthand for a family of closely related types that can be implicitly 
converted from one to the other (e.g. SMALLINT to INTEGER). And it may be used 
as a shorthand for the type of a function parameter where the function has 
several overloads.

The conversion of a character literal (a constant string such as ‘1970-01-01’) 
to a DATE, TIME or TIMESTAMP literal such as DATE ‘1970-01-01’ might (again, 
I’m not sure) use its own particular mechanism, a different mechanism from the 
implicit conversion of say a SMALLINT to an INTEGER. If I were you I would seek 
out some applicable tests - there should be quite a few in SqlValidatorTest - 
and step through them in a debugger.


> On Sep 13, 2022, at 8:49 AM, Parag Jain <> wrote:
> In the AbstractTypeCoercion class, I see here
> <>,
> that DateTime family contains types SqlTypeFamily.DATE, SqlTypeFamily.TIME,
> SqlTypeFamily.TIMESTAMP. Here
> <>
> I
> can see that the Char types can be cast to DateTime type.
> However, if I define a SqlFunction with an operand of
> SqlTypeFamily.DATETIME type then this logic fails and implicit cast does
> not work.
> As far as I understand SqlTypeFamily.DATETIME contains SqlTypeName of DATE,
> So shouldn't implicit cast work from Char to DATETIME work as well.
> Couple questions -
> 1. Is the DATETIME here used to represent values in 'YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss'
> format or is it just a family type ?
> 2. What operand type should be used to define a function which can accept
> DATE and TIMESTAMP as well as values in 'YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss'  format ?
> Thanks

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