Maybe JDBC is involved. Remember SQLLine uses JDBC too. Maybe SQLLine calls 
getString and you are calling getInt. I don’t know.

Regarding the behavior of TIMESTAMPDIFF when the timestamps cross unit 
boundaries. There was some discussion of this in one of the Jira cases to add 
support for BigQuery functions. I can’t find which Jira case. Maybe one of the 
contributors to those cases can speak up.

I’m not sure whether TIMESTAMPDIFF is supposed to be exactly compatible with 
the ‘-‘ operation defined by the SQL standard. If you have evidence that 
Calcite’s behavior is correct or incorrect (by reading specifications, or 
experiments on other DBs) please share it.

> On Feb 7, 2023, at 12:03 PM, Ian Bertolacci 
> <> wrote:
> Hm. Is what I am seeing then the effect of Avatica/JDBC ?
> Another piece of this is that the result differs when using 
> TIMESTAMPDIFF/TIMESTAMPADD, which gives the correct integer value for that 
> time unit.
> I mention this because the Calcite docs claim that TIMESTAMPDIFF and 
> TIMESTAMPADD are equivalent to `-` and `+`, but they actually behave slightly 
> differently:
> For example:
> ` TIMESTAMP'1970-01-01 00:00:00' + (TIMESTAMP'1971-2-10 10:10:10' - 
> TIMESTAMP'1970-01-01 00:00:00') year`
> Gives 1971-02-01 00:00:00.0
> Where as ` TIMESTAMPADD( year, TIMESTAMPDIFF(year, TIMESTAMP'1970-01-01 
> 00:00:00', TIMESTAMP'1971-2-10 10:10:10'), TIMESTAMP'1970-01-01 00:00:00')`
> Gives 1971-01-01 00:00:00.0
> This happens because `-` is giving 13 months, which it then adds to 1970-01 
> to get 1971-02, but TIMESTAMPDIFF gives 1 (year) which it then adds to 
> 1970-01 to get 1971-01
> Thanks!
> -Ian
> On 2023/02/07 00:33:48 Julian Hyde wrote:
>> I ran the queries through SQLLine and got the expected results, as follows.
>>  0: jdbc:calcite:model=core/src/test/resources> values ((TIMESTAMP 
>> '1971-01-01 00:00:00' - TIMESTAMP '1970-01-01 00:00:00') second);
>>  +------------------+
>>  |      EXPR$0      |
>>  +------------------+
>>  | +31536000.000000 |
>>  +------------------+
>>  1 row selected (0.582 seconds)
>>  0: jdbc:calcite:model=core/src/test/resources> values ((TIMESTAMP 
>> '1971-01-01 00:00:00' - TIMESTAMP '1970-01-01 00:00:00') minute);
>>  +---------+
>>  | EXPR$0  |
>>  +---------+
>>  | +525600 |
>>  +---------+
>>  1 row selected (0.026 seconds)
>>  0: jdbc:calcite:model=core/src/test/resources> values ((TIMESTAMP 
>> '1971-01-01 00:00:00' - TIMESTAMP '1970-01-01 00:00:00') hour);
>>  +--------+
>>  | EXPR$0 |
>>  +--------+
>>  | +8760  |
>>  +--------+
>>  1 row selected (0.023 seconds)
>> In my queries, the first returns an INTERVAL SECOND, the second returns an 
>> INTERVAL MINUTE, and the third returns an INTERVAL HOUR. All of these 
>> intervals have the same internal representation — 31,536,000,000 
>> milliseconds — but they are printed differently because their types are 
>> different.
>> INTERVAL MONTH and INTERVAL YEAR have a different representation, as you 
>> noticed.
>> Julian
>>> On Feb 6, 2023, at 3:24 PM, Ian Bertolacci 
>>> <<>LID> wrote:
>>> I’ve noticed that Calcite evaluates to different time unit types than the 
>>> given time unit type in a timestamp difference (I haven’t tested datetimes).
>>> For example:
>>> `(TIMESTAMP'1971-01-01 00:00:00' - TIMESTAMP'1970-01-01 00:00:00') 
>>> $TIMEUNIT` gives 31536000000 (milliseconds) when $TIMEUNIT = SECOND, 
>>> MINUTE, HOUR, or DAY, but 12 (months) when $TIMEUNIT = MONTH, YEAR
>>> This is inconsistent in two dimensions:
>>> 1.  It is not consistent with the time unit specified
>>> 2.  It is not consistent across all time units. (this is the most confusing 
>>> to me)
>>> Is this a bug?
>>> If not, how are end-users supposed to deal with it?
>>> Are they just supposed to know that this evaluates to milliseconds for some 
>>> time units but months for others?
>>> Thanks!
>>> -Ian J. Bertolacci

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