Hey Vladislav,

Your command to launch it seems to be correct, but I am not sure if you need two `-u` arguments. Can you try the following:

java -jar avatica-standalone-server-1.23.0.jar -u jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/db_name

Avatica listens on port 8765, can you check if you're using that port to communicate with avatica? Another thing to try is to try and access the avatica server from your browser or using curl to see if you get a response.


On 10/02/2023 10:27 am, Matyushevski, Vladislav (ELS-CON) wrote:

I`m new to Avatica and trying to use "avatica-standalone-server-1.23.0.jar" to 
check how my client is working with it.
In order to launch the standalone jar I`m using  this command:
"java -jar avatica-standalone-server-1.23.0.jar -u -u 
And message that I see in console is saying that Server was launched 
Successfully on specific port.

However, when I try to connect to standalone-server from client application I 
          No response for 

Could you please point me to the guidelines of how the standalone-server should 
be started?
(I`m suspecting the server settings, because even if I disable postgreDB service - 
console message is still saying "server started Successfully")

Thanks in advance,


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