I rewrite test with end-to-end usage (hope it`s correct) and put it into blank.iq (test is near) and found that it not follow the sql standard. Also probably someone can suggest how can i write test with dynamic params involved ? I found that Quidem has no appropriate functionality.
Thanks !

create table fix_char_col (i int, c char(5));
(0 rows modified)

insert into fix_char_col values (1, 'aaaaa'), (2, 'aaaaaa'), (3, ' aaaaaa'), (4, 'aa'), (5, ' aa');
(1 row modified)

SELECT * FROM fix_char_col ORDER BY i;
| I | C |
| 1 | aaaaa |
| 2 | aaaaa |
| 3 |  aaaa |
| 4 | aa    |
| 5 |  aa   |
(2 rows)


and as a result :

< +---+---+
< | I | C |
< +---+---+
< | 1 | aaaaa |
< | 2 | aaaaa |
< | 3 |  aaaa |
< | 4 | aa    |
< | 5 |  aa   |
< +---+-------+

calcite output:
| I | C       |
| 1 | aaaaa   |
| 2 | aaaaaa  |
| 3 |  aaaaaa |
| 4 | aa      |
| 5 |  aa     |

Ok, thanks i understand what you are talking about, i will move the test and fill issue if it necessary.

I agree that that query should throw when executed. If it doesn’t, you should log a bug.

However, that test in SqlToRelConverterTest doesn’t prove that Calcite doesn’t throw at execute time.

On Feb 8, 2023, at 11:20 PM, stanilovsky evgeny <estanilovs...@gridgain.com> wrote:

Hello, seems sql standard regulate situation when insertion (char, varchar) data exceeds fixed len column as :

If the declared type T is fixed length string with length in characters L and the
length in characters M of V is larger than L, then
a) If the right part M–L characters of V are all space`s, then the value of T is set to the first
L characters of V.
b) If one or more of the right part M–L characters of V are not space`s, then exception is raised.

But fast test [1] in SqlToRelConverterTest highlights that calcite not satisfy of such a rule.

I miss something or need to fill the issue ?

Thanks !

 @Test void testInsert1() {
   String moreThanVarcharLimit = "a".repeat(30);

final String sql = "insert into emp (empno, ename, job, mgr, hiredate,\n"
       + "  sal, comm, deptno, slacker)\n"
       + "values(1, '" + moreThanVarcharLimit + "', 'job', 0,\n"
       + "  timestamp '1970-01-01 00:00:00', 1, 1, 1, false)";

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