I for one would very much like to help with reviews.  I don't have a lot of 
time this month, but next month should have more time.
-- C

> On Apr 10, 2023, at 10:56 PM, Dan Zou <zoud...@163.com> wrote:
> +1, thanks Julian for proposing this. From my observation, there are many 
> pending PRs in Calcite and only a few active committers, this puts a lot of 
> pressure on these committers. For example Julian have reviewed 34 PR in 2023 
> Q1, it is an unimaginable number. I am very supportive of achieving a 
> mechanism to improve the review efficiency of PRs, and also I would like to 
> make contribution in reviewing PRs.
> Best,
> Dan Zou
>> 2023年4月11日 01:56,Julian Hyde <jh...@apache.org> 写道:
>> I don't enjoy reviewing and merging PRs. And every time I do, I feel
>> like a sucker, because there are over a few dozen committers who are
>> enjoying the project and not doing the work. (There is a small group
>> of committers who regularly review and merge PRs. I don't know how
>> they feel about the task, but I am immensely grateful.)
>> I think I would review more PRs if I saw others doing the same.
>> Can we figure out a fairer way to distribute the load? For release
>> managers (approximately the same amount of work, but compressed into a
>> few hours or days) we have successfully run a rota for several years.
>> Could we do something similar with PRs?
>> I propose the following. For each calendar month, there is a PR
>> manager and 6 - 8 reviewers. The PR manager does not review PRs, but
>> assigns them to reviewers, and politely reminds reviews to keep the PR
>> moving.
>> The PR manager's goals are:
>> * every non-draft PR is reviewed within 3 days of submission,
>> * every PR is merged within 3 days of being done;
>> * rotate duties so that no reviewer is asked to review more than 4
>> PRs per month;
>> * email a report at the end of the month;
>> * work down the backlog of historic PRs if it's a slow month.
>> The PR manager rotates every month. The reviewers can rotate if they
>> wish, but I suspect most will stay in the pool for several months,
>> because the reviewing load is not very heavy, and because they see
>> others doing the work.
>> Other notes:
>> * Non-committers would be welcome to join the pool of reviews (and
>> that would be a good way to earn the committer bit) and a committer
>> could merge when the PR is approved.
>> * If committers join the pool, that's a good way to earn PMC membership.
>> * Committers who are not in the pool are welcome to review PRs and
>> assign PRs to themselves (but expect to be nagged by the PR manager if
>> you don't review in a timely manner).
>> What do you think? Would you join this scheme if we introduced it? If
>> you agree please +1; also happy to see revisions to this suggestion or
>> other ideas to share the work.
>> Julian

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