Congrats, Zhe Hu!
On 28/06/2023 9:04 pm, Stamatis Zampetakis wrote:
Apache Calcite's Project Management Committee (PMC) has invited Zhe Hu to
become a committer, and we are pleased to announce that they have accepted.
Zhe Hu has been contributing to the project for a while now. They
improved the stability of the ElasticSearch adapter, worked on
supporting new java versions, and landed various enhancements around
CONCAT and CONVERT functions.
Zhe Hu, welcome, thank you for your contributions, and we look forward to your
further interactions with the community! If you wish, please feel free to tell
us more about yourself and what you are working on.
As your first commit, please add yourself to the contributors list [1]
and the community page will re-generate [2].
Stamatis (on behalf of the Apache Calcite PMC)