
I’m working on a project that utilizes Calcite and I have interest in
supporting functions that allow using * to specify all of the existing
columns in a function call. For example, one function that I am looking at
is the variadic Snowflake HASH function which can accept all columns with
HASH(*). Trying to add this function as I would any other function I
encounter issues in the validator because it does not recognize * as a
valid identifier.

My understanding is that the *  is essentially syntactic sugar which should
be expanded in the same way that SELECT * FROM t is expanded early by the

I’m wondering if anyone has any advice on the best way to add support for
this functionality. I have done some experimentation with replicating the
approach that the validator uses for expanding SELECT * FROM T into
multiple columns. I do this using a variant of the private method

The first problem comes when I try to write my variant of expandStar
because it seems I need to access the package private method getChildNames,
or to the .names attribute of the package private class ScopeChild, so I’m
not understanding if that’s what I should be doing or if there’s an
alternate method. I’m using it because I need some way to access the table
names from a scope.

The other problem is that to get my version of expandStar called in all the
places I need it to be called (e.g. inside of function calls, or inside of
ORDER BY terms) I think I need to add logic that calls it to the Expander
classes or its subclasses. My initial idea was to subclass all of the
expander classes and have my subclasses call my expandStar method, then
have all methods that use the expanders instead use my subclasses. This
would require changing the classes from private/package-private to
protected, which makes me wonder if I'm barking up the wrong tree.

The approach seems promising, but I’m not sure if I’m headed in the right

- Kian Nassre

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