  I am a newbie to Calcite and am excited about its potential. I have a
question. According to the status section on the docs page
<>, calcite supports Local and remote JDBC
drivers using Avatica.  My interpretation of that statement is we can wrap
any data source using Calcite and expose the data by creating a JDBC
server. This JDBC server can be accessed remotely using the remote Calcite
JDBC driver, from tools such as DBeaver/DataGrip.

 I can create a local JDBC wrapper on my data source and use it from the
same JVM. However, I cannot find any sample code that would create a JDBC
server and serve remote clients using a remote JDBC server. I explored
concepts like Avatica Http Server
could not find any concrete implementation using Calcite. Can you please
point me to some references/samples? I think it would be awesome if you
could add this to some FAQ/Tutorial page in Calcite as well.

Raja Senapati

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