It’s surprising to me that 1004.3e0 should have type DOUBLE or REAL; I would 
expect it to have type DECIMAL(5, 1), where it can be represented exactly.

> On Jan 30, 2024, at 2:53 PM, Mihai Budiu <> wrote:
> e0 shows that these are DOUBLE values.
> Moreover, power returns a DOUBLE value.
> In FP the result is the wrong one, but that's the semantics of the power 
> function in FP.
> Mihai
> ________________________________
> From: Julian Hyde <>
> Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2024 2:50 PM
> To: <>
> Subject: Re: Storing RexLiteral as BigDecimal values
> The inputs are decimals, and the correct answer is 1008618.49, also a 
> decimal, and cannot be exactly represented as a binary floating point. I’m 
> not sure why in this case you want a binary floating point.
>> On Jan 30, 2024, at 2:46 PM, Mihai Budiu <> wrote:
>> I am evaluating this expression: SELECT power(1004.3e0, 2e0)
>> The result in Java, or Postgres, when formatted as a string, is 
>> 1008618.4899999999
>> The result produced by the Calcite simplification code is 1008618.49
>> The simplification code can produce RexLiterals - that's where this would be 
>> useful.
>> This rounding error is not really necessary.
>> Mihai
>> ________________________________
>> From: Julian Hyde <>
>> Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2024 2:40 PM
>> To: <>
>> Subject: Re: Storing RexLiteral as BigDecimal values
>> Can you give a scenario where a RexLiteral should have a double value?
>>> On Jan 30, 2024, at 2:36 PM, Mihai Budiu <> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I have a question about the representation of RexLiteral values.
>>> Currently DOUBLE-valued literals are represented using a BigDecimal.
>>> This causes small rounding errors, introduced in the RexBuilder.clean() 
>>> function.
>>> This causes FP expressions that are evaluated at compilation-time to 
>>> produce results that are slightly off from the same expressions that may be 
>>> evaluated at runtime, for no real reason. For example, I am running some 
>>> Postgres tests for FP values, and they fail because of this small 
>>> difference.
>>> I know that FP values cannot be compared for equality, and tests are 
>>> supposed to have some slack, but I think that this particular rounding 
>>> error is not necessary.
>>> Why can't RexLiteral actually store a Double value internally when the type 
>>> is Double?
>>> Is this a bug or is there a deeper reason for this representation?
>>> If it's a bug I can file a JIRA issue and probably fix it.
>>> Thank you,
>>> Mihai

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