‘Function join’ sounds similar to ‘CROSS APPLY’ - for each row on the left, 
call a function to generate a list of rows on the right. Is that how you see it?

If so, there are some beautiful parallels between CROSS APPLY and lateral join; 
for example, they can both be de-correlated. See [1] and later work in Froid. 
When I have a spare year, we’ll put these optimizations into Calcite… :)



> On Jan 30, 2024, at 11:45 PM, Thomas Rynne <thomas@topaz.technology.INVALID> 
> wrote:
> I have created a RelNode "FunctionJoin" that takes in input relation and the 
> name of a java method to call to create new rows from an existing row 
> (Array[Any] => Array[Array[Any]])
> It's like a join but the rows of right relation are created on demand using 
> the rows of the left relation.
> I have something working using  a converter rule that creates an 
> EnumerableFunctionJoin that calls the java method for each of the input rows.
> I also have rules to move filters & projects past the FunctionJoin to the 
> FunctionJoin input (I think operating on LogicalCalc might simplify things as 
> I can't move filters and projects at the same time).
> It has been a good learning experience but before I go too far I thought I 
> would ask whether this already exists or whether a different approach would 
> make sense.
> For example, is TableFunctionScan the same thing? It seems similar but I 
> can't find any example uses and I don't know how I would create a RexNode 
> that calls a java method.
> thanks for any pointers
> Thomas

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