+1  This is a great idea.

Chris Custine
FUSESource :: http://fusesource.com
My Blog :: http://blog.organicelement.com
Apache ServiceMix :: http://servicemix.apache.org
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On Wed, Apr 1, 2009 at 11:50 AM, Gert Vanthienen

> L.S.,
> Currently, a features descriptor for Camel is being generated in the
> ServiceMix 4 features projects.  This descriptor basically is an XML
> file that allows you to install any Camel component on ServiceMix
> Kernel in a single command.  The information in the descriptor will be
> used to determine which others OSGi bundles are required.
> We now released ServiceMix 4.0.0 with a features descriptor for Camel
> 1.6.0, but on the Camel project itself we're now working on
> 2.0.0-SNAPSHOT and 1.6.1-SNAPSHOT.  I would like to propose to move
> the generation process of the features descriptor into the Camel
> project itself, so every release of Camel can come with its own
> features descriptor.  It will also make it easier for people to test a
> SNAPSHOT for Camel inside ServiceMix Kernel without having to hack up
> their own descriptor first.
> If we look at the codebase, it will basically mean that we would have
> to move the pom.xml and properties file that's currently at
> https://svn.eu.apache.org/repos/asf/servicemix/smx4/features/trunk/camel/camel-features/
> to e.g. a /platform/servicemix-kernel directory in the Camel project.
> Any thoughs?
> Gert Vanthienen
> ------------------------
> Open Source SOA: http://fusesource.com
> Blog: http://gertvanthienen.blogspot.com/

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