Agree, we should not remove anything until we have a solution. Personally I'd like to see the async part fixed in 2.0. One of the reasons for M2 is also to give us a bit more time to get it right.

+1 for Channel, if it matters :)


On Apr 24, 2009, at 8:38 AM, James Strachan wrote:

I'm not yet convinced we should remove something, without another
thing to put in its place. e.g. why don't we figure out a cleaner
model and just switch to it (say at 2.1).

For sure not that many things use async dispatch and it does cause
confusion debugging; but there's definitely been folks with HTTP / WS
/ JBI async requirements over the last couple of years and
AsyncProcessor is our only solution so far; so I'd rather leave it
there - even if its sub optimal - until it can be replaced by a simple
thing. Since its a purely internal API, I don't see that we have to
definitely fix this for 2.0

2009/4/24 Claus Ibsen <>:
On Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 10:17 AM, Willem Jiang < > wrote:

+1 for introducing Channel into Camel world.

For the AsyncProcessor part, it's is really difficult to understand.
I think it is more than Call back, it will not block the calling thread
which will be used in the camel-jhc component[1].
And I also did an enhancement[2] on the ErrorHandler of
DeadLetterChannel by leveraging the AsyncProcessor to avoid the blocking the calling thread when the DeadLetterChannel waits for another retry.

If the UnitOfWork can address these, I'm happy to give my +1 for
removing the AsyncProcessor. If not, we need to find out a replacement
before removing it.


Yeah the AsyncProcessor and the callback notion currently implemented
in Camel is flawed, brittle, broken, not used at all from end user
and it started to spread out into the code base where it should not have.

I really think it should be removed, and if we need it, a new Async
API introduced that resemble the JDK async support (for instance the

To fix it I really think we need to
1) Remove the existing AsyncProcessor
2) At a later stage add a new API that leverages the JDK API.

About redelivery using different threads
Note the using another thread for redeliver is only feasable for non
transacted routes.
Transacted routes tend to depend on ThreadLocal and reuse session and
other stuff.

So the redeliver using different thread is not always desirable.
Note: But the redelivery is only supported by DeadLetterChannel that
does not support transacted routes anyway.
So you can say we are safe here.
But the end user does not have any choice to configure what they want.

I do think that end users should have the choice which model they
would like Camel to use for redelivery handling.

And with the Channel we would have another possiblity for redelivery
as we could just "route the message" back to the previous channel
and let it have some "delay time" before its "visible" on the channel
queue for re-processing.

So Willam, it would be much easier to impl. the use different thread
for redelivery when the Channel is more enhanced in Camel.
For instance for InOnly routes where there are no caller waiting we
can safely use others threads for redeliver (if not transacted)
But for InOut we need to add our own barrier that waits until the
UnitOfWork is complete before we can return the response.

Again I cannot stress too much that the camel-core API needs this
cleanup. You will get to this conclusion if you have been working 8h
around the clock in the camel-core code for as long as I have.


Claus Ibsen wrote:
Hi Camel riders

As you know we are working on Camel 2.0 and we decided to do a 2nd
milestone release.
This gives us more time to start on some of the ideas and internal
refactorings I wanted
to do for Camel 2.1.

After having dived really deed in the camel core codebase for the last
6+ months or longer, I
feel that we need to cease the moment and do a more extensive house
cleaning before the Camel 2.0
release. The house cleaning is only internal and will not affect end
users of Camel.

Here are 2 issues I would like to address in the foreseeable future.

1) Channel
To introduce a Channel between each node in the route path. The
channel is a composite processor
that is responsible for routing the exchange to the next node in the path.

We already do this but there is no visible notion of a Channel. The
"Channel" exists today as
a series of interceptors and an error handler. Today this is wrapped
at route build time
and then we have a static list of processors the exchanges is routed
through a runtime.

So what I am working on is to composite this series of interceptors
and error handler into a
DefaultChannel class that has the logic to do needed work before an
Exchange is routed to the next

I have already discussed this a bit with Gert and James. James agreed
that it a was time for introducing
the Channel into Camel.

So I have started experimenting with this and got it working locally.
The Channel is in this first
stage just wrapping the existing series of interceptors and error
handler and thus the route logic
is not affect.

In the future the Channel will benefit in many ways as we can at
runtime add routing logic for instance
- enabling/disabling tracing (and other interceptors) at runtime
without reloading routes
- adding or removing interceptors at runtime without reloading routes - adding or removing JMX performance metrics at runtime without reloading routes
- we could use it to blocking routing
- enhanced tooling support
- potential you could persist exchanges at the channel
- later add true async processing with the help of the channel
- easier to traverse the runtime route graph as we can traverse the
Channel, where we can have next/prev or the like methods
- and much more we can imagine

2) AsyncProcessor
I propose to remove the AsyncProcessor all together. I had a chat with James about it and it was an experiment by Hiram back in early 2007. Basically he had not worked on the code since, and its not really put
into good use. But sadly over time the AsyncProcessor have spread
itself into other core parts of Camel.

The basic idea was to attach a callback to a route so you could do
some "commit" work after the exchange is finished.
This idea is actually superseded by the UnitOfWork (introduced by
James) that is better for this kind of work. And we have schduled an
overhaul for UnitOfWork
in Camel 2.1 to allow more of our components to take advantage of this and also expose DSLs for end users to attach their custom processors
or route.

The code in Camel core that is affected by the AsyncProcessor is much
more complex than regular Processor. In fact there are some areas
where its not
used correctly and causes unforseen side effects that only surfaces in some complex or rare unit tests. This issues is more apparent lately
as more
and more camel processors supports the async processor directly.

The original code by Hiram only leverages the async callback in the
file component as it was part of his initial code. No other areas
benefits from this.
The code is basically making it bloat and complex inside Camel itself.

End users do not use this. I do not recall a single question on it in
the user forum.

So I am in a big +1 to get it out of the codebase.

And before you say well how do we do async routing then? Well the seda
component is still there to truely spawn a new thread to route an
And we have the UnitOfWork where you are supposed to register your
callback. We might make the UnitOfWork a bit easier to register
callbacks for
only commit or failure depending on what you want. If its a single
methods its also easier for dynamic languages to have nice DSL support
for it.
Well that is just me rambling now..... And the UnitOfWork was James
envision for doing async work after the exchange is ended.


1) Channel
The first cut of this is already done on my local laptop and it will
just work as is today. But its bases the foundation for more exotic
and advanced
stuff in Camel 2.x series.

Already in progress.

Any thoughts?

2) AsyncProcessor
To reduce the complexity for maintaining the Camel codebase. Just as Gert if he was a bit puzzled how to do his StreamCache that uses the
Async stuff.
When we get it out of there the codebase is much easier to maintain
and we have a greater chance to attract potential new committers.

I vote +1 for this.
Any thoughts?

Claus Ibsen
Apache Camel Committer

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