
You might remember my previous topic about the AsyncProcessor.

I had some more time to thinker about it and I believe I have a
roadmap for a solution that will work nicely for all.

1) Internal house cleaning in camel-core
2) Fix as much of the current broken AsyncCallback
3) Introduce new async API in Camel 2.0
4) Mark the current AsyncCallback as @deprecated in Camel 2.0m2

Ad 1)
The AsyncProcessing internally in Camel is overused and it just makes
it much more complex. By doing a house cleaning the codebase is much
easier to work with and it works as before.
In fact it allows us to do fix the broken AsyncCallback also so we can
get notification when the async exchange is done.

Ad 2)
The current notification in Camel is in fact broken. You never get the
expected notification when the async exchange is done. The idea of
this API was to get 2 notifications
- the 1st is when the original synch thread is done (the boolean is
true), eg when you submit the job.
- and then the 2nd when the async thread is done (the boolean is
false) but this is broken in Camel and you will not receive it.

And of top of this there are 2 flaws in the current API
- the current code requires that you manaully add seda steps in the
route to turn the route from sync into async. There was no code that
did this "under the covers for you". However its doable and the in
fact its possible to route async. But an improve API would be better.
- The result of the async operation is not possible to get easily. No
you dont have access to the exchange that was done async. And no
exchange.getOut() will not give the result. What was missing in the
AsyncCallback API was to pass in the Exchange as well.

Ad 3)
I would like to introduce a new Async API that is more similar to the
JDK Future API. So you can use the Future get() to get hold of the
This still needs some thinking and experimenting to see how its
doable. But an API that generally is like the Future would be much

Ad 4)
I would also suggest that we (in Camel 2.0m2) mark AsyncCallback as
@deprecated with a note that we have planned a new Async API for Camel

I would like to go forward and get #1, (#2 and #4 would be great too)
committed into the codebase so we have a codebase in Camel that is
much easier to maintain and for new users to understand when they look
into the internals in Camel. And especially debugging and stepping
through the processing of Exchanges is much easier. As its just
regular method calls. And we get rid of the confusing code with what
to do in the AsyncCallbacks that was invading the internals in Camel.

Then I would start experimenting with the new API and report findings.
Feedback here is much welcome.

Any thoughts?

Claus Ibsen
Apache Camel Committer

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