On Thu, Jul 9, 2009 at 9:03 AM, Guillaume Nodet<gno...@gmail.com> wrote:
> In web services world, faults are not exceptions, but usually an xml
> payload.  In the java world, faults would be like checked exceptions
> and errors runtime exceptions.  However, distinguishing a fault from
> an out message by (instanceof Exception) is imho not sufficient

Yeah I was about to say the same. I think the FAULT message makes
sense. Fits better with the web service if you have declared faults in
the wsdl.
Then you can construct a XML message and set it as getFault().setBody().

And I would also think it is much more confusing to set a fault
message, wrapped as an exception on the OUT message as opposed to use
setException on the exchange instead. That would be odd.

So the API is good, my only griefs are
a) the OUT creating empty messages.
b) and that people might think as if they can during routing processes
piece by piece assemble an OUT message.

See previous mails about this.

An example to illustrate this. For instance in the route below A, B, C
is independent steps that enrich a message with order details.
Suppose the input message is an order id. And the expected message is
details about this order.


IN = 123
OUT = null

IN = 123
OUT = Orderid: 123.

IN = 123
OUT = Orderid: 123. Status = IN PROGRESS

IN = 123
OUT = Orderid: 123. Status = IN PROGRESS. ETA: 2009/08/13

Client receives
OUT: Orderid: 123. Status = IN PROGRESS. ETA: 2009/08/13

But the nature of pipes and filter, this is what happens

IN = 123
OUT = null

IN = 123
OUT = Orderid: 123.

IN = Orderid: 123.
OUT = null

Kabom!!! now we got a partly OUT message as IN instead of the original
IN message.

This is right according to the pipes and filters, where previous OUT
should be next IN.

But people should just be aware with this in relation to IN and OUT -
that the OUT is not something that you can piece by piece assemble.
And OUT is really not that useable.

> On Thu, Jul 9, 2009 at 07:35, Hadrian Zbarcea<hzbar...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Comments inline.
>> Hadrian
>> On Jul 9, 2009, at 12:54 AM, Claus Ibsen wrote:
>>> On Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 9:52 PM, Hadrian Zbarcea<hzbar...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> As we approach the 2.0, there is one more hanging issue I would like
>>>> addressed, if possible.  It's the thorny issue of Faults and Exceptions
>>>> that
>>>> started in
>>>> http://issues.apache.org/activemq/browse/CAMEL-316 (see also the related
>>>> nabble thread linked in the issue description).
>>>> I am less concerned about how the DefaultExchange is implemented and I
>>>> hope
>>>> to reach an agreement on what the Exchange api should be (please find the
>>>> list of Exchange methods below).
>>>> As far as faults/exceptions are concerned, Roman thinks that the whole
>>>> concept of in/out/fault/exception is artificial, and only one payload
>>>> (message) api should be enough (Roman please correct me if I misinterpret
>>>> your position).  My opinion is that we *must* distinguish between
>>>> persistent
>>>> (fault) and transient (exception) errors for the simple reason that they
>>>> have different semantics.  As Roman correctly points out, faults are more
>>>> like outputs, have more of application level semantics and are normally
>>>> handled by the client, where exceptions (transient errors) are something
>>>> camel could try to recover from, without much knowledge about the
>>>> application.  I think that the presence of fault in the camel api is not
>>>> due
>>>> to it being explicitly modeled by jbi and wsdl, as Roman suggests, and
>>>> Camel
>>>> simply copying that, but it's modeled in Camel for the same reason it's
>>>> modeled in jbi and wsdl, to differentiate transient from persistent
>>>> errors
>>>> in a non ambiguous way.
>>> I am one of the persons that would love the Camel Exchange / Message
>>> API to be a bit simpler. It has a fair shares of methods.
>>> Having listening and discussing with Hadrian on this and doing my own
>>> investigations and whatnot I do belive that Hadrian is absolutely
>>> right when it comes to FAULT. It has a good place in the API.  I am +1
>>> on having FAULT as we do now.
>>> The grief I have left is that the IN and OUT. It makes sense to have
>>> them and they provide a good value. However they have a big drawnback
>>> in how they are routed in Camel with the Pipeline processor, that
>>> mimics the pipes and filters EIP. And as a result the OUT will be used
>>> as IN
>>> in the next step in the route. So its not like you can steadily build
>>> up an OUT message on-the-fly during many steps in the route path.
>>> Example
>>> from("direct:start").process(new Processor()).to("log:foo");
>>> a) From
>>> IN = Hello World
>>> OUT = null
>>> b) Processor
>>> IN Hello World
>>> OUT = Bye World
>>> c) Log
>>> IN = Bye World
>>> OUT = null
>> Yes, from an external observer's perspective, this is precisely what
>> happens.  How we decide to store it, how many fields we need, is an
>> implementation detail of the DefaultExchange.  I don't think the copy from
>> out/in is too expensive, but I would be ok with having only one field to
>> store the current message in DefaultExchange (I assume that's what you
>> propose).  However, my question is about what the api should be.
>>> And then the getOut() method that lazy creates a new empty OUT message
>>> is also a pita, as it can lead to people loosing their messages if
>>> they do some System out logging of their own
>>> public void process(Exchange e) {
>>>  System.out.println(exchange.getIn());
>>>  System.out.println(exchange.getOut());
>>>  // boom you lost your message when its routed to next node in route
>>> path, as getOut() created a new empty OUT message that will by used in
>>> the pipes and filters EIP routed with the Pipeline
>>> }
>>> We had this IN OUT discussion a while back and at that time we ended
>>> up with a compromise of having a hasOut() method so you should do, to
>>> be safe:
>>>  System.out.println(exchange.getIn());
>>>  if (exchange.hasOut()) {
>>>      System.out.println(exchange.getOut());
>>>  }
>>> Still a pita with the lazy creation IMHO.
>> The lazyCreate methods are actually deprecated, and imho should be removed
>> now.  This would eliminate the confusion.
>>>> If we were to go with only get/setMessage() api, we would still need
>>>> methods
>>>> (or some ways) to distinguish between the kind of message we are dealing
>>>> with (in/out/fault/exception) so we'd only move the problem somewhere
>>>> else.
>>>> So the question becomes if we leave the api the way it is, or we replace
>>>> the
>>>> get/setFault apis with get/setOut, in which case we'll need something
>>>> like:
>>>>   boolean isFault();
>>>> method in the Message api or keep the hasFault() method on the Exchange.
>>> Good question
>>> If you use OUT instead then we need to add a isFault() on the
>>> org.apache.camel.Message API that
>>> the IN message also implements.
>>> It could make sense to use OUT as well for FAULT.
>>> But how should the API look like to set an OUT as Fault?
>>> Something a like this?
>>> getOut().setBody("Unknown bank account number.");
>>> getOut().setFault(true);
>> Not quite, I had something like this in mind (there is no setFault()
>> method):
>> getOut().setBody(java-lang-Exception-derivedObject);
>> boolean isFault() {
>>    return getBody() instanceof Exception;
>> }
>> Personally I am ok with the limitation not being able to have an out of a
>> java.lang.Exception type (that would then be a Fault).  I can't imagine a
>> case where an Exception would be an expected out, and in such cases one
>> could always serialize or wrap it.  The fact that the Fault would be an
>> Exception type would be a camel convention that needs to be followed by all
>> components.
>> Another option would be add  header HAS_FAULT or something like that, in
>> which case both the out and the fault could be of any type.
>>>> Thoughts?
>>>>   ExchangePattern getPattern();
>>>>   void setPattern(ExchangePattern pattern);
>>>>   Object getProperty(String name);
>>>>   <T> T getProperty(String name, Class<T> type);
>>>>   void setProperty(String name, Object value);
>>>>   Object removeProperty(String name);
>>>>   Map<String, Object> getProperties();
>>>>   Message getIn();
>>>>   void setIn(Message in);
>>>>   Message getOut();
>>>>   boolean hasOut();
>>>>   Message getOut(boolean lazyCreate);
>>>>   void setOut(Message out);
>>>>   Message getFault();
>>>>   boolean hasFault();
>>>>   Message getFault(boolean lazyCreate);
>>>>   void removeFault();
>>>> // removeFault() is only used in one place
>>> +1 to remove it. You can just do setFault(null) instead. I will fix it
>>> asap.
>>>>   Exception getException();
>>>>   <T> T getException(Class<T> type);
>>>>   void setException(Exception e);
>>>>   boolean isFailed();
>>>>   boolean isTransacted();
>>>>   boolean isRollbackOnly();
>>>>   CamelContext getContext();
>>>>   Exchange newInstance();
>>>>   Exchange copy();
>>>>   Exchange newCopy(boolean handoverOnCompletion);
>>>>   void copyFrom(Exchange source);
>>>>   Endpoint getFromEndpoint();
>>>>   void setFromEndpoint(Endpoint fromEndpoint);
>>>>   UnitOfWork getUnitOfWork();
>>>>   void setUnitOfWork(UnitOfWork unitOfWork);
>>>>   String getExchangeId();
>>>>   void setExchangeId(String id);
>>>>   void addOnCompletion(Synchronization onCompletion);
>>> --
>>> Claus Ibsen
>>> Apache Camel Committer
>>> Open Source Integration: http://fusesource.com
>>> Blog: http://davsclaus.blogspot.com/
>>> Twitter: http://twitter.com/davsclaus
> --
> Cheers,
> Guillaume Nodet
> ------------------------
> Blog: http://gnodet.blogspot.com/
> ------------------------
> Open Source SOA
> http://fusesource.com

Claus Ibsen
Apache Camel Committer

Open Source Integration: http://fusesource.com
Blog: http://davsclaus.blogspot.com/
Twitter: http://twitter.com/davsclaus

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