
It's most likely starting to get to that point where we should start
to ponder about Camel 3.0.

I have created a wiki page to gather ideas

Currently I have only listed major goals such as shifting to JDK 1.6+
and Spring 3.0+ as min requirement.

I personally think we should try to keep the roadmap in a reasonable
size of work.
I doubt we have the effort to do a 1+ year man full time work on a
Camel 3.0 (which we did for 2.0)

Well now we got the wiki page as a starting point. So raise your voice.

Claus Ibsen
Apache Camel Committer

Author of Camel in Action: http://www.manning.com/ibsen/
Open Source Integration: http://fusesource.com
Blog: http://davsclaus.blogspot.com/
Twitter: http://twitter.com/davsclaus

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