Am 03.08.2010 06:04, schrieb Claus Ibsen:

Yes you need to differentiate between resume/start in your business logic.
The consumer most often need to different logic. For example a HTTP
consumer may have to setup and start a HTTP server.
Where as in resume it just need to accept requests instead of sending
back http status 503 (temporary out of service).

Keep the states/methods separated makes it easier to implement and understand.

If you extend ServiceSupport then you got these callbacks you can override:
- doStart
- doStop
- doResume
- doSuspend
- doShutdown (special when CamelContext is shutting down)

That is a good idea to keep these methods simple.

But the logic in the startRoute, resumeRoute has built in so they
handle if you invoke either one.
So if a route is suspended and your invoke startRoute then it knows
that it should resume the route. And vice versa. So from a management
point of view in JMX it should not be confusing.

This also sounds good. The only problem is then that users will probably understand the diagram in the documentation as how the management methods work. So it could be confusing that e.g. startRoute also works from suspended state. But as I guess that all the transitions in the diagram work as explained the diagram does not explain anything wrong.
stop ->  suspend is a bit harder, due you would need to start it and
then suspend it immediately, but there is a "window" where the route
is actually started, and it could potentially take in messages. And
routes can most often start very fast. Well there may be some WS
components who parse WSDL files etc which may take some time. We could
introduce a doWarmUp callback which is invoked when CamelContext is
starting up. It would then allow to pre parse the WSDL files etc. so
the consumer is "almost ready".

I do not think this is really necessary. I only proposed the transition for completenes. A warmup method makes the interface more complex and offers
not so much value as camel is already starting quite fast.

Btw. I also think shutdown could be renamed to remove. Without any more knowledge I would interpret shutdown as something that can be reversed by start. So remove is much clearer.




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