
I have created a ticket to track this

We will of course still keep an eye on the discussion and if the
balance is tipping in favor of keeping them all, then we wont remove
them. Although I wonder if anybody got the strengths and time to go
through all 34 examples and ensure the ANT examples works according to
the README.txt documentation.

We should prefer to keep one ANT example. For example a new hello
world example as discussed.

On Fri, Jul 8, 2011 at 10:24 AM, Claus Ibsen <claus.ib...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi
> We have 34 examples in the Camel kit. And frankly to keep most of them
> updated to work and run with Apache Ant is a p*** in the ****.
> I would like to discuss if we should consider reducing the number of
> examples that can run with Ant?
> The current pain points
> - Keep Ant examples up to date is manual labor
> - Some examples dont currently work as documented in README.txt file
> - End user will have to manually download 3rd party libraries such as
> Spring, ActiveMQ, Hibernate etc.
> - End user will have to set environment variables for home, eg
> - Some examples have migrated and uses OpenJPA with Maven instead of
> Hibernate, and thus running with Maven vs. Ant diverts.
> I suggest that we remove ANT support for the more complicated examples
> where you need to download many different 3rd party projects and
> whatnot.
> We may want to keep it on a few simpler examples that we know can be 
> supported.
> Sidebar
> ======
> Now that we talk about examples. I would like to add a very simple
> hello world examples as well.
> Something we can use in the getting started guide, so people who
> download the .zip / .tar can follow a guide.
> And run the hello world example and see that Camel is up and running quickly.
> For example it could be based on the maven archetype that creates a
> sample project (that example which moves files using a Content Based
> Router).
> Then we could have this example supported by Ant and Maven.
> =====
> Any thoughts?
> --
> Claus Ibsen
> -----------------
> FuseSource
> Email: cib...@fusesource.com
> Web: http://fusesource.com
> Twitter: davsclaus, fusenews
> Blog: http://davsclaus.blogspot.com/
> Author of Camel in Action: http://www.manning.com/ibsen/

Claus Ibsen
Email: cib...@fusesource.com
Web: http://fusesource.com
Twitter: davsclaus, fusenews
Blog: http://davsclaus.blogspot.com/
Author of Camel in Action: http://www.manning.com/ibsen/

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