
I have polished the readme.txt file in the source code to be similar
to the text on the public Apache Camel website

On Sat, Aug 13, 2011 at 1:14 PM, Claus Ibsen <claus.ib...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi
> I noticed the README.txt file in the distribution kit starts as follows:
> Apache Camel is a powerful Spring based Integration Framework.
> And our website starts as follows:
> Apache Camel is a powerful open source integration framework based on
> known Enterprise Integration Patterns with powerful Bean Integration.
> I think we should align the product descriptions on the web site and
> the README.txt file.
> There may be other places the product description is present, and
> could use a bit upgrade.
> For example I think the README.txt file is a bit outdated as it gives
> the impression that Camel requires Spring and is Spring based.
> As we all know Camel is more than that and we try to be neutral and
> let people use and run Camel in any kind of environment.
> Whether its Spring, OSGi, Karaf, ServiceMix, WebSphere, Cloud, Scala,
> Standalone etc.
> So anyone got suggestions/feedback to have the product description
> updated a bit to reflect where we are today with Apache Camel?
> For example we may want to mention Apache Karaf on the front page as a
> product that Camel runs with out of the box. etc.
> --
> Claus Ibsen
> -----------------
> FuseSource
> Email: cib...@fusesource.com
> Web: http://fusesource.com
> Twitter: davsclaus, fusenews
> Blog: http://davsclaus.blogspot.com/
> Author of Camel in Action: http://www.manning.com/ibsen/

Claus Ibsen
Email: cib...@fusesource.com
Web: http://fusesource.com
Twitter: davsclaus, fusenews
Blog: http://davsclaus.blogspot.com/
Author of Camel in Action: http://www.manning.com/ibsen/

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