Hi, on the Camel RSS component page (https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/CAMEL/RSS) Lukasz Dywicki added in the bottom link for a patched version of ROME for OSGi two years ago, but the link is now dead:

{note:title=Using camel-rss in OSGi environment}
Camel-rss uses [ROME|http://rometools.org/] 1.0 and below. This library has class loading issues in OSGi environment. We submitted issue [142|https://rometools.jira.com/browse/ROME-142] to ROME. You can find a patched version in [this repository|http://repository.code-house.org/content/repositories/code-house.public.release/rome/rome/1.0-osgi/]. Its version will need to be changed - the patched version is marked as 1.0-osgi.

Anybody know where that patched version is today? If not, I'll remove the latter two sentences.


Glen Mazza
Talend Community Coders - coders.talend.com
blog: www.jroller.com/gmazza

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